C ++ case声明?

本文介绍了C ++ case声明?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!





使用一些抽象 State-Simulator mapper (其中模拟器实际上代表一些具体的功能对象)。
$ b b

  typedef char State; 

struct basic_simulator {
virtual void operator()(...)= 0

struct concrete_simulator:public basic_simulator {
virtual void operator()(...){
// Do something concrete
// Trolololo

typedef basic_simulator模拟器;

在这种情况下,你的实际包装将看起来像 std :: map<状态,模拟器*> map;

下一步需要做的就是获得C1-C4 从您的州定义为 char 的值。使用按位运算符。

所有状态都可以定义为 0-15 数字转换为二进制$ c> 2 - > 0010 )。因此,要获得 C4 值,您只需进行适当的转换:

  // C1 C2 C3 C4 
// -----------
// 1 1 1 1
状态状态= 15;

for(int i = 3; i> = 0; i--){
InputState C_xx = ((state>> i)& 1);

现在只需映射所有 code>状态到适当的模拟函子:

  std :: map< State,Simulator *>映射器
mapper [0] = new concrete_simulator(...);
mapper [1] = ...


(*(mapper [actual_state]))


更新:同样的技术可用于有超过 4 个输入/单输入状态的状态

只需编写适当的映射函数和状态生成器。 / p>

I am trying to adapt a digital electronics problem to a C++ STL based program.

Originally I have 4 inputs C1, C2, C3, C4. This means I have a total of 16 combinations:


I have a multimap defined by

typedef std::pair<int, int> au_pair; //vertices
typedef std::pair<int, int> acq_pair; //ch qlty
typedef std::multimap<int, acq_pair> au_map;
typedef au_map::iterator It_au;

The no. of simulations depend on the size of the au_map.For eg: if the au_map.size() = 5 I will have C1, C2, C3, C4, C5. and therefore 2^5 = 32 cases.

For example:If theau_map.size()=4, I need to simulate my algorithm for 16 cases.

for(It_au it = a_map.begin(); it != a_map.end(); it++)
  acq_pair it1 = it->second;
  //case 0:
  //C3 = 0, C2 = 0, C1 = 0, C0 = 0
  //Update it1.second with corresponding C values

  //simulate algorithm

  //case 1:
  //C3 = 0, C2 = 0, C1 = 0, C0 = 1

  //case 15:
  //C3 = 1, C2 = 1, C1 = 1, C0 = 1


Not the best idea. Right now you're doing a lot of useless work by manually setting your C1-C4 and by writing some simulation routines right in your for loop.

Automate it.

Use some abstract State-Simulator mapper (where Simulator actually stands for some concrete functional object).

typedef char State;

struct basic_simulator {
   // You could also pass some other parameters to your
   // simulator
   virtual void operator()(...) = 0

struct concrete_simulator : public basic_simulator {
   virtual void operator()(...) {
      // Do something concrete
      // Trolololo

typedef basic_simulator Simulator;

And in this case your actual wrapper would look like std::map<State, Simulator*> map;

What you need to do next do means getting C1-C4 values from your state which is defined as char. Use bitwise operators.

All your states could be defined as 0-15 numbers converted to binary (2 -> 0010). So to get C1-C4 values you would simply have to make appropriate shifts:

// C1 C2 C3 C4
// -----------
// 1  1  1  1
State state = 15;

for (int i = 3; i >= 0; i--) {
   // State of some of the inputs, defined by one bit
   InputState C_xx = ((state >> i) & 1);

Now simply map all those 0-15 states to appropriate simulating functor:

std::map<State, Simulator*> mapper;
// Generally speaking, you should use some sort of
// smart pointer here
mapper[0] = new concrete_simulator(...);
mapper[1] = ...

What is really cool that you could have only, let's say, 3 or four concrete simulators which would be mapped to some states accordingly.

In this case invoking actual simulation would mean something like:

  // Fire appropriate simulation object

and making every possible simulation means iterating over every map element.

Update: the same technique could be used for states where you have more than 4 inputs / single input state can have more than two possible values.

Just write an appropriate mapping function and state generator.

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05-28 01:41