

我今天下载了Xcode 6 GM,并向应用商店提交了两个Swift应用.两者都通过了所有上传前验证以及他们必须通过并成功提交的所有其他内容.但是后来我从苹果收到了两封电子邮件...每个程序一封,他们俩都这样说:

I downloaded Xcode 6 GM and submitted two Swift apps to the app store today. Both passed all pre-upload verification and all the other stuff they had to pass and were successfully submitted. But then I got two emails from Apple... one for each program and they both said this:


We have discovered one or more issues with your recent delivery for "xxxxxxxx" (my app name removed). Your delivery was successful, but you may wish to correct the following issues in your next delivery:

符号文件过多-这些符号在任何二进制[1431D977-72BC-308F-AB71-71529F25400B.symbols,158C72A7-98AC-3F07-B2BE-88427591B413.symbols,44973EAC-563E-340C-B549- 55A5014A68BA.symbols,678BF06F-0C3D-3A09-BFBF-699C7079FECD.symbols,90907DDB-0400-38ED-BB5F-0C12333C0624.symbols,93B79949-5757-374A-97B9-825AE1A61B7D.symbols,ABA05220-4FB0-397F-AFBB-08774A82F4CA.符号AD70F02A-4422-32B8-8C40-CF9B45A2CCC6.symbols,B0CC9F7D-C542-3E18-A518-B28B7ECABE80.symbols,BF6A4C3B-6FA5-3C51-8404-19C2F132458D.symbolEE-39-E9A9C69DE9-8E40 CF5320DF-AB31-3845-BAD5-F6E51045D396.Symbols,D4967AA3-8FB0-3712-B0DE-7F4144AF8F4B.Symbols,D813B314-AD37-31D4-B675-442052994495.symbols,DF42A13F-08D8-3E71-B60C5C. F0E0-3CA7-8F7D-C49A36CD5C65.symbols]

Too many symbol files - These symbols have no corresponding slice in any binary [1431D977-72BC-308F-AB71-71529F25400B.symbols, 158C72A7-98AC-3F07-B2BE-88427591B413.symbols, 44973EAC-563E-340C-B549-55A5014A68BA.symbols, 678BF06F-0C3D-3A09-BFBF-699C7079FECD.symbols, 90907DDB-0400-38ED-BB5F-0C12333C0624.symbols, 93B79949-5757-374A-97B9-825AE1A61B7D.symbols, ABA05220-4FB0-397F-AFBB-08774A82F4CA.symbols, AD70F02A-4422-32B8-8C40-CF9B45A2CCC6.symbols, B0CC9F7D-C542-3E18-A518-B28B7ECABE80.symbols, BF6A4C3B-6FA5-3C51-8404-19C2F132458D.symbols, C9D6E078-8E2A-39D9-8DEE-476916A69CEE.symbols, CF5320DF-AB31-3845-BAD5-F6E51045D396.symbols, D4967AA3-8FB0-3712-B0DE-7F4144AF8F4B.symbols, D813B314-AD37-31D4-B675-442052994495.symbols, DF42A13F-08D8-3E71-B221-FC357E0B60F5.symbols, F5F636C2-F0E0-3CA7-8F7D-C49A36CD5C65.symbols]

解决问题之后,可以使用Xcode或Application Loader将新的二进制文件上传到iTunes Connect.

After you’ve corrected the issues, you can use Xcode or Application Loader to upload a new binary to iTunes Connect.


App Store团队

The App Store team


I'm going to guess that really has nothing to do with me or my apps... and it is just a quirk of day one Swift app submissions? Both apps are still sitting in "Waiting for approval" mode. I certainly can't think of anything I could change to make what they said go away! Anyone else submit a Swift app yet and get that response? Think I should just ignore it and wait to see what happens?



This happens if you are including debug information of your libraries with the project archive but are not including binaries.

  1. 在Xcode中打开管理器窗口
  2. 右键单击存在此问题的档案,然后选择在Finder中显示".
  3. 右键单击存档文件,然后选择显示软件包内容"
  4. 在"dSYMs"文件夹中,您将看到几个文件.如果您在这些文件上运行 dwarfdump控制台命令,您将获取UUID字符串的列表:

  1. Open the Organizer window in Xcode
  2. Right-click on an archive that had this issue and select "Show in Finder".
  3. Right-click on the archive file and select "Show Package Contents"
  4. In the "dSYMs" folder you will see several files. If you run the dwarfdump console command on these files you will get a list of UUID strings:

dwarfdump -u MyFile.dSYM


I'm sure you will find some matching UUIDs from Apple's email.

为避免出现此警告,您只需在归档文件中包含应用程序的dSYM文件,而不包括库.为此,您需要更改库的构建配置以不生成dSYM文件.只需在配置中搜索调试信息格式",然后仅将其从DWARF with dSYM File更改为DWARF.

To avoid this warning you need to include with your archive only the dSYM files of your application and not the libraries. For this you need to change the build configuration of the libraries to not generate a dSYM file. Just search for "debug information format" in configuration and change it from DWARF with dSYM File to DWARF only.

例如,在下面的屏幕截图中,您将找到Stripe iOS框架.

For example, in the screenshot below you will find the Stripe iOS framework.


09-26 20:33