本文介绍了为 Outlook 2007 构建表单的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我刚刚了解到 Outlook 表单的概念.我不知道这是否能解决我的问题,但这是我想要做的:

I was just introduced to the concept of Outlook forms. I don't know if this will solve my problem but here is what I want to do:

我希望能够让公司内部的员工填写一些表格.所以我所要做的就是创建表单并将其推送到他们的 Outlook?他们填写表格后,我可以以某种方式捕获数据吗?有没有人这样做过?有人可以推荐一个好的教程/示例吗?

I want to be able to have employees who are inside the company fill out some forms. So all I have to do is create the form and PUSH it to their Outlook? After they fill out the form, can I capture the data somehow? Has anyone does this before? Can someone recommend a good tutorial/examples?

更新: Outlook->Access 选项看起来不错,但表单似乎必须由某人通过电子邮件发送.换句话说,如果有人想填写任何表格,他们首先必须通过电子邮件发送表格.如果一个人只想填写表格怎么办?如果他无法访问 Access 数据库,他会怎么做?

Update: The Outlook->Access option seems like a great one, but it seems like the form must be emailed by someone. In other words, if someone wants to fill out any form they first have to be emailed a form. What if a person wants to just fill out a form? How would he do it if he has no access to the Access database?



  1. 这个页面是一个非常好的自定义跳转页面Outlook 中的表单.事实上,整个网站非常好,有很多示例和类似的链接Outlook 表单分步教程.

  1. This page is a really good jump page for custom forms in Outlook. In fact, that whole site is pretty good with lots of examples and links like Outlook Forms Step-by-Step Tutorial.

但是,如果您也有 Access 2007,我实际上建议您使用更简单、更容易的方法来创建可以发送给用户并收集所有信息的电子邮件表单.一旦我在 Access 2007 中发现了这一点,我就再也没有使用过自定义 Outlook 表单.

However, if you also have Access 2007, I'd actually recommend something simpler and easier to create email forms that can be sent to users and collect back all of the information. Once I discovered this in Access 2007 I never went back to custom Outlook forms.

基本上,您使用要收集的数据创建一个 Access 数据库,然后在 Access 2007 的外部数据"选项卡中,单击创建电子邮件",一个向导将引导您创建带有正文中的表单(可以是 HTML 或 InfoPath,具体取决于您选择哪一个).您将其发送给您的用户(您可以在表中也可以在 Access DB 中拥有收件人列表),他们填写表格(我将其用于调查),然后他们点击提交.它会返回到您在一个特殊文件夹中的 Outlook,一旦您打开 Outlook,它就会将它与数据库同步.然后,您可以对所有数据库信息进行切片和切块.

Basically, you create an Access db with the data you want to collect and then in the "External Data" tab in Access 2007, you click "Create E-mail" and a wizard will walk you through creating an email with the form in the body (which is either HTML or InfoPath, depending on which one you choose). You send this to your users (you can have a recipient list in a table as well in your Access DB) and they fill out the form (I used it for surveys) and then they click submit. It goes back to your Outlook in a special folder and as soon as you open Outlook, it will synch it with the database. Then you can slice and dice all of that database information.


Here are some great tutorials on this:

最后,如果您只想收集更简单的信息,例如是"、否"、可能",最简单的方法是创建投票按钮.转到新消息 -> 选项 - 投票按钮.如果需要,您可以自定义此设置,方法是用分号 ; 分隔您的选择.

Finally, if you just want to collect back much simpler information, like "Yes", "No", "Maybe", the easiest way is to create voting buttons. Go to New Message -> Options - Voting Buttons. You can customize this if needed by separating your choices with a semi-colon ;.


In #2 and #3 above, these are scenarios to initiate data collection.

在其他情况下,某人不需要通过电子邮件提示填写内容,而只需提交表格(例如费用报告或油耗报告).在这种情况下,上面的#1(Outlook 自定义表单)通常是更好的选择,但是:

There are other situations where someone doesn't need a prompt via email to fill something out right there, but rather just submit a form (like an expense report, or a gas mileage report). #1 above (Outlook custom forms) is generally better choice in that scenario, but:

  • Outlook 表格通常是更难部署和教人们使用(有诸如公共表格"、私人表格"等)
  • Outlook 表格在实践中已经被其他技术所取代.特别是,InfoPath/Forms ServerSharepoint 表单.这是因为既不这两种技术需要用户可以做很多事情,而不是点击链接填写表格.我曾经知道,大约 10 年前,许多尝试使用 Outlook 表单的公司都放弃了开发,转而使用其他技术.
  • Outlook forms have typically beenharder to deploy and teach people touse (there are things like "publicforms", "private forms", etc.)
  • Outlook forms have been, in practice,been replaced by other technologies.In particular, InfoPath/Forms Server andSharepoint Forms. This is because neitherof those two technologies requiresusers to do a whole lot other thanfollow a link to fill out a form. I used to know, about 10 years ago, many companies who tried to use Outlook forms and most of them gave up development of them in favor of other technologies.

这并不是说 Outlook 表单在任何方面都不好.如果您没有其他可用作 Forms Server 的技术,那么这可能是一个不错的选择.

This isn't to say that Outlook forms are bad in any way. If you don't have other technologies available to serve as a Forms Server, then this could be a decent option to consider.

要查看其他半轻量级的表单提交方式,您可以使用 MS Word 模板作为前端并让它们更新 Access DB.这里有几篇关于此的好文章:

To look at other semi-lightweight ways of form submission, you can use MS Word templates as the front end and have them update an Access DB. Here are a couple of good articles on this:

  1. 直接从 Word 导入数据访问表格的表单
  2. 怎么做我...从一个传输数据Access 数据库的 Word 格式?

这篇关于为 Outlook 2007 构建表单的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-22 07:45