本文介绍了Infopath提交表单问题,并以表格形式捕获人员电子邮件地址的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 我有几个问题涉及InfoPath  I have a couple of questions concern InfoPath  1)是否可以将表单提交到SharePoint列表,然后将提交者重定向到网页 比如感谢页?1) is it possible to haev the form submit to a SharePoint List and then redirect the submitter to a web page  like a thank you page? 2)捕捉人的最佳方式是什么? 表单字段中的电子邮件地址?   2) what is the best way to capture a persons  email address in a form field?    我将如何实现这些项目? how would I achieve these items?推荐答案 关于第一个问题,要提交按钮以重定向到另一个页面,请参阅类似发布帖子:For your first question, To submit button to redirect to another page, refer to the similar issue post: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/sqlserver/en-US/f3718364-9a22-4975-9437-a531de4cbfda/redirecting- url-after-infopath-form-is-submitted?forum = sharepointcustomizationprevious 对于第二个问题,t o捕捉一个人 表单字段中的电子邮件地址,h ere 是一些很棒的博客供您参考: For your second question, to capture a persons  email address in a form field, here are some great blogs for your reference: http://spvee.wordpress.com/2013/ 04/10 / auto-populate-user-information-in-infopath-with-claim-based-authentication-part-of-of-3 / http://www.ilikesharepoint.de/2013/01/infopath-20102013-userinformationlist-query-for-current-logged-in-user/ 要获取在人员选择器中选择的人员的姓名和电子邮件,需要一个公式来从人员选择器控件中获取详细信息。To get name and email of a person who is selected in people picker, it requires a formula to take details from the people picker control. 从InfoPath中的人员选择器中提取电子邮件:  http://www.bizsupportonline.net/infopath2010/videos/infopath-2010-people-picker-email.htm Extract emails from people picker in InfoPath: http://www.bizsupportonline.net/infopath2010/videos/infopath-2010-people-picker-email.htm最诚挚的问候,  Best Regards,  Lisa Chen  Lisa Chen  这篇关于Infopath提交表单问题,并以表格形式捕获人员电子邮件地址的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!
10-29 00:29