本文介绍了CocoaPods 找不到 pod“Firebase/CoreOnly"的兼容版本;的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我已经将我的 flutter 包更新到最新版本,现在 IOS 不再工作了.

I've update my flutter package to the last versions and now IOS doesn't work anymore.

当我尝试更新 Pod 时,它显示此错误:

When I try to update the pods it's shows this error:

    [!] CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "Firebase/CoreOnly":
    In Podfile:
    cloud_firestore (from `.symlinks/plugins/cloud_firestore/ios`) was resolved to 0.0.1, which depends on
    Firebase/Firestore (~> 6.0) was resolved to 6.0.0, which depends on
    Firebase/CoreOnly (= 6.0.0)

    cloud_functions (from `.symlinks/plugins/cloud_functions/ios`) was resolved to 0.0.1, which depends on
    Firebase/Functions (~> 5.18) was resolved to 5.18.0, which depends on
    Firebase/CoreOnly (= 5.18.0)

这里是我的 pubspec.yaml(与 Firebase 相关):

Here my pubspec.yaml (Firebase related):

firebase_core: "^0.4.0"
firebase_auth: "^0.11.0"
firebase_analytics: "^3.0.0"
cloud_firestore: "^0.11.0+1"
cloud_functions: "^0.3.0"
firebase_storage: "^3.0.0"
firebase_messaging: "^5.0.1"


I've made various steps to try to fix:

flutter clean
flutter build ios

pod install
pod update
pod repo update
pod install --repo-update

我已经在 Podfile 和 Xcode 中将平台 :ios, '12.1' 设置为构建目标,但没有任何恢复.

I've set platform :ios, '12.1' in Podfile and in Xcode as build target but nothing come back to works.

这是我的 podfile:

Here my podfile:

# Uncomment this line to define a global platform for your project
platform :ios, '12.1'

# CocoaPods analytics sends network stats synchronously affecting flutter build latency.

project 'Runner', {
  'Debug' => :debug,
  'Profile' => :release,
  'Release' => :release,

def parse_KV_file(file, separator='=')
  file_abs_path = File.expand_path(file)
  if !File.exists? file_abs_path
    return [];
  pods_ary = []
  skip_line_start_symbols = ["#", "/"]
  File.foreach(file_abs_path) { |line|
      next if skip_line_start_symbols.any? { |symbol| line =~ /^s*#{symbol}/ }
      plugin = line.split(pattern=separator)
      if plugin.length == 2
        podname = plugin[0].strip()
        path = plugin[1].strip()
        podpath = File.expand_path("#{path}", file_abs_path)
        pods_ary.push({:name => podname, :path => podpath});
        puts "Invalid plugin specification: #{line}"
  return pods_ary

target 'Runner' do

  # Prepare symlinks folder. We use symlinks to avoid having Podfile.lock
  # referring to absolute paths on developers' machines.
  system('rm -rf .symlinks')
  system('mkdir -p .symlinks/plugins')

  # Flutter Pods
  generated_xcode_build_settings = parse_KV_file('./Flutter/Generated.xcconfig')
  if generated_xcode_build_settings.empty?
    puts "Generated.xcconfig must exist. If you're running pod install manually, make sure flutter packages get is executed first."
  generated_xcode_build_settings.map { |p|
    if p[:name] == 'FLUTTER_FRAMEWORK_DIR'
      symlink = File.join('.symlinks', 'flutter')
      File.symlink(File.dirname(p[:path]), symlink)
      pod 'Flutter', :path => File.join(symlink, File.basename(p[:path]))

  # Plugin Pods
  plugin_pods = parse_KV_file('../.flutter-plugins')
  plugin_pods.map { |p|
    symlink = File.join('.symlinks', 'plugins', p[:name])
    File.symlink(p[:path], symlink)
    pod p[:name], :path => File.join(symlink, 'ios')

post_install do |installer|
  installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
    target.build_configurations.each do |config|
      config.build_settings['ENABLE_BITCODE'] = 'NO'


尝试调用pod repo update


删除根目录下的Podfile.lock,然后运行pod install

delete the Podfile.lock in the root directory, after that run pod install

这篇关于CocoaPods 找不到 pod“Firebase/CoreOnly"的兼容版本;的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

06-20 03:00