

我使用的是EF 4.0设计者可以通过点击从模型中生成数据库来创建数据库。
我wan't使用SQL 2008列类型FILESTREAM。

I'm using the EF 4.0 designer to create a database by clicking on "Generate Database from Model".I wan't to use the sql 2008 column type "filestream".Unfortunately I can't select "filestream" from Type DropDownList of a specific column.

那么,我该如何使用FILESTREAM与EF 4.0模型第一?

So, how do I use the filestream with EF 4.0 model first?


So far I've googled some SQL scripts to manually add such columns, but adding them via SQL script means that I don't have them in my model. What should I do?


实体框架不支持文件流。即使你添加它,它仍然被用作其他任何 VARBINARY(最大)列。要使用文件流数据库生成过程中,你必须使用custom结构注释和修改生成模板。

Entity framework doesn't support Filestream. Even if you add it, it will still be used as any other varbinary(max) column. To use Filestream during database generation you must use custom structural annotation and modify generation template.


10-23 23:30