


Is there a way of checking whether a property value is valid for the given hobject?I took the 'enable' property below just as an example, my question is for general property, and assuming you don't know all the possible accepted properties values in advance.

% MyBtnObject is a standard push button

% this will be ok
set(MyBtnObject, 'enable', 'on');

% and this will not, but how can I check it?
set(MyBtnObject, 'enable', 'SomeInventedProp');


我可以使用 x = set(MyBtnObject,'enable')获取enable属性的可能值,列为单元格数组 x

I've found the answer. I can use x = set(MyBtnObject, 'enable') to get the possible values to the enable property, listed as cell array x.

% find buttons
h = findobj('style', 'pushbutton');

% getting all the possible values for 'enable' property for all pushbuttons
% x = set(h, 'enable'), when h is array, will not work
x = arrayfun(@(x)(set(x, 'enable')), h, 'UniformOutput', false);


10-18 15:46