本文介绍了汇编器.weak指令仅适用于Cross Compile GCC的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have a program which I compile with 2 different compilers:

用于PowerPC的GCC 3.4.4交叉编译器

GCC 4.8.1 MinGW编译器


In the program I am using the assembler directive .weak . The documentation says:

Makes a symbol with weak binding globally visible to the linker.


__asm__(".weak " "foo" "\n.set " "foo" "," "dummy_foo" "\n");


To cleare foo weak and give it an alias to dummy_foo.

当我交叉编译PowerPC时,此代码在GCC 3.4.4下工作正常,但在为x86目标进行编译时,它在GCC 4.8.1下不起作用. -代码已编译,但未将foo声明为weak,并且我的链接器为我提供了未定义的引用.这是什么问题?

This code works fine under GCC 3.4.4 when I cross compile für PowerPC but it doesn't work with GCC 4.8.1 when I compile for x86 target. - The Code compiles, but foo is not declared weak and my linker gives me an undefined reference. What is the problem here?



As BSH suggested, it has to be:

__asm__(".weak " "_foo" "\n.set " "_foo" "," "_dummy_foo" "\n");

如果我将此行放入与foo()声明相同的C文件中,则可以正常工作.当我将其放在单独的C文件中时,问题仍然存在(然后适用于GCC 3.4.4交叉编译器,但不适用于GCC 4.8.1)

If I put this line into the same C-File as my declaration of foo() it works fine. The problem still persists when I put it in a seperate C-File (then it works for the GCC 3.4.4 Cross Compiler, but not for the GCC 4.8.1 )



In MinGW, symbols are prefixed with an underscore, _foo, you need to change it to:

__asm__(".weak " "_foo" "\n.set " "_foo" "," "_dummy_foo" "\n");

或考虑将属性 __attribute__((weak, alias("dummy_foo")))foo一起使用代替.

or consider using the attribute __attribute__((weak, alias("dummy_foo"))) with foo instead.

这篇关于汇编器.weak指令仅适用于Cross Compile GCC的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-19 15:14