


First of all I have already exhaustively checked the following questions and this issue does not seem to be the same thing:


These all seem to boil down to 2 things:

  1. 在开始的 标记之前有一个或多个(可能是不可见的)字符.
  2. 正文中有一些字节序列不符合 <? 标签中定义的 encoding.
  1. There is one or more (possibly invisible) chars before the opening <? tag.
  2. There is some byte sequence in the body that does not fit the encoding defined in the <? tag.

对于#1,我用xxd 检查了我的文件,结果如下所示:

Well as for #1 I checked my file with xxd, result is shown here:

$ xxd sample.fo
00000000: 3c3f 786d 6c20 7665 7273 696f 6e3d 2231  <?


$ file sample.fo

我只能想到 Material Icons 字体代码点的两个实例,它们是 3 字节的 UTF-8 字符并且似乎被正确编码,如 通过本网站在线验证:

I can only think of the two instances of the Material Icons font codepoints which are 3-byte UTF-8 characters and seem to be properly encoded, as verified online with this site:

  1. 图标keyboard_arrow_down"是编码为 ee 8c 93
  2. 的代码点 e313
  3. 图标回复"是编码为 ee 85 9e
  4. 的代码点 e15e
  1. Icon "keyboard_arrow_down" is codepoint e313 which is encoded ee 8c 93
  2. Icon "reply" is codepoint e15e which is encoded ee 85 9e

正如 xxd 输出所示,我的

As the xxd output indicates, my



I also tried manually inserting a space after the encoding as suggested in one of the answers to the other questions:



which made no difference. So I am baffled as to the problem, especially given the error code given:

[Fatal Error] sample.fo:1:39: Content is not allowed in prolog.
Jul 24, 2018 9:56:34 AM org.apache.fop.cli.Main startFOP
SEVERE: Exception
org.apache.fop.apps.FOPException: org.

为了完整起见,FO 文件是由 Saxon 和来自 fop-2.2 的 PDF 尝试生成的:

Just for completeness, the FO file was generated by Saxon and the PDF attempt from fop-2.2:

$ fop -version
FOP Version 2.2
$ fop -fo sample.fo -pdf sample.pdf
[Fatal Error] sample.fo:1:39: Content is not allowed in prolog.




出现是因为 ,它是 ,具有不允许的文本内容.错误不一定发生在之前

arises because the , which is everything before the root element in an , has textual content that is not allowed. The error does not necessarily have to have occurred before the

具体来说,prolog 是在 document:

Specifically, the prolog in document:

[1] document      ::= prolog element Misc*

请注意,prolog 位于 element 之前.

Note that prolog precedes element, the single root element of the

大多数答案都集中在 prolog 的开头、在 prolog 之内或之后:

Most answers focus on the problem where there is text (visible or invisible) at the beginning of the prolog, before the within or after the prolog either:

[22] prolog      ::= 

在您的情况下,您有 Test material... 文本内容出现在 ) 和根元素 (element>).注释、处理指令或空格可以出现在那里,但不能出现文本.

In your case, you have Test material... text content appearing between the ) and the root element (element). A comment, processing instruction, or whitespace can appear there, but not text.


05-27 23:03