

我将语法分解为推荐的parser.hppparser_def.hppparser.cpp文件后,遇到了boost spirit x3的奇怪行为.我的示例gramar解析了一些简单的枚举:

I came across a strange behaviour of boost spirit x3, after I splittet my grammar up into the recommended parser.hpp, parser_def.hpp, parser.cpp files.My example gramar parses some kind of easy enums:

enum = "enum" > identifier > "{" > identifier % "," > "}

这是我的枚举语法.当我不将枚举和标识符解析器拆分为推荐的文件时,一切正常,尤其是字符串"enum {foo, bar}"引发预期失败.可在此处找到此示例:未拆分的工作示例

this is my enum grammar.When I don't split the enum and identifier parser into the recommended files, everything works fine, especially the string "enum {foo, bar}"throws an expectation failure, as expected.This example can be found here: unsplitted working example


But when I split the exactly same grammar up into the different files, the parser throws

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::logic_error'
  what():  basic_string::_M_construct null not valid

试图解析相同的字符串"enum {foo, bar}"

trying to parse the same string "enum {foo, bar}"


this example can be found here: splitted strange example

  1. ast.hpp

  1. ast.hpp

#pragma once

#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <boost/fusion/include/adapt_struct.hpp>

namespace ast{

namespace x3 = boost::spirit::x3;

struct Enum {
    std::string _name;
    std::vector<std::string> _elements;


BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(ast::Enum, _name, _elements)

  • config.hpp

  • config.hpp

    #pragma once 
    #include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>
    namespace parser{
        namespace x3 = boost::spirit::x3;
        typedef std::string::const_iterator iterator_type;
        typedef x3::phrase_parse_context<x3::ascii::space_type>::type context_type;

  • enum.cpp

  • enum.cpp

    #include "enum_def.hpp"
    #include "config.hpp"
    namespace parser { namespace impl {
         BOOST_SPIRIT_INSTANTIATE(enum_type, iterator_type, context_type)
    namespace parser {
    const impl::enum_type& enum_parser()
        return impl::enum_parser;

  • enum_def.hpp

  • enum_def.hpp

    #pragma once
    #include "identifier.hpp"
    #include "enum.hpp"
    #include "ast.hpp"
    namespace parser{ namespace impl{
        namespace x3=boost::spirit::x3;
        const enum_type enum_parser = "enum";
            const auto& identifier = parser::identifier();
        auto const enum_parser_def =
            > identifier
            > "{"
            > identifier % ","

  • enum.hpp

  • enum.hpp

    #pragma once
    #include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>
    #include "ast.hpp"
    namespace parser{ namespace impl{
        namespace x3=boost::spirit::x3;
        typedef x3::rule<class enum_class, ast::Enum> enum_type;
    namespace parser{
        const impl::enum_type& enum_parser();

  • identifier.cpp

  • identifier.cpp

    #include "identifier_def.hpp"
    #include "config.hpp"
    namespace parser { namespace impl {
         BOOST_SPIRIT_INSTANTIATE(identifier_type, iterator_type, context_type)
    namespace parser {
    const impl::identifier_type& identifier()
        return impl::identifier;

  • identifier_def.hpp

  • identifier_def.hpp

    #pragma once
    #include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>
    #include "identifier.hpp"
    namespace parser{ namespace impl{
        namespace x3=boost::spirit::x3;
        const identifier_type identifier = "identifier";    
        auto const identifier_def = x3::lexeme[
            ((x3::alpha | '_') >> *(x3::alnum | '_'))

  • identifier.hpp

  • identifier.hpp

    #pragma once
    #include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>
    namespace parser{ namespace impl{
        namespace x3=boost::spirit::x3;
        typedef x3::rule<class identifier_class, std::string> identifier_type;
    namespace parser{
        const impl::identifier_type& identifier();

  • main.cpp

  • main.cpp

    #include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>
    #include "ast.hpp"
    #include "enum.hpp"
    namespace x3 = boost::spirit::x3;
    template<typename Parser, typename Attribute>
    bool test(const std::string& str, Parser&& p, Attribute&& attr)
        using iterator_type = std::string::const_iterator;
        iterator_type in = str.begin();
        iterator_type end = str.end();
        bool ret = x3::phrase_parse(in, end, p, x3::ascii::space, attr);
        ret &= (in == end);
        return ret;
    int main(){
        ast::Enum attr;
        test("enum foo{foo,bar}", parser::enum_parser(), attr);
        test("enum {foo,bar}", parser::enum_parser(), attr);    

  • 这是一个错误,我是否缺少某些东西,或者这是预期的行为?

    Is this a bug, am I missing something, or is this an expected behaviour?


    here is my repo with an example which throws an std::logic_error instead of an expectation_failure



    I've found the cause of the bug.


    The bug is with the fact that the expect directive takes it subject parser by value, which is before the parser::impl::identifier initializer runs.


    The copy, therefore, has an uninitialized name field, which fails as soon as the expectation point tries to construct the x3::expectation_failure with the which_ member, because constructing a std::string from a nullptr is illegal.


    All in all, I fear the root cause here is Static Initialization Order Fiasco. I'll see whether I can fix it and submit a PR.


    An immediate workaround is to list the order of the source files in reverse, so that use comes after definition:



    Note that if this fixes it on your compiler (it does on mine) that is implementation defined. The standard does NOT specify the order of static initialization across compilation units.


    10-16 10:20