


I have an array of items I would like to create Panels out of which would eventually be inserted into the Accordion.


var items = this.state.contents.map(function(content, index) {
  return <Content {...content}, key={index}/>

return (

在另一个名为 Content 我有:

In another file called Content I have:

  <Panel header={this.props.header} eventKey={this.props.key}>

当我将 Accordion 和 Panel 放在同一个文件中时,它们就可以工作了.但是当我将它们分成两个文件后使用map生成Panel时,它似乎没有崩溃.

When I have the Accordion and Panel in the same file, they work. But when I generate the Panel using map after splitting them into two files, it doesn't seem to collapse.


react-bootstrap 似乎抱怨手风琴的孩子不是面板,通过将面板包装在我的内容类中,我就是这样做的.

react-bootstrap seems to complain if the children of an Accordion are not Panels, and by wrapping Panel inside of my Content class I was doing just that.

为了解决这个问题,我不得不脱离 React 的约定.我没有创建一个类 Content,而是创建了另一个 js 文件而不是 react.js 文件.通过将此文件视为普通 js 文件,我能够调用此文件中的一个函数,该函数映射每个this.state.contents"并返回一个 Panel 对象.

To solve this problem I had to step away from React's convention. Rather than creating a class Content, I created another js file rather than a react.js file. By treating this file like a normal js file, I was able to call on a function inside of this file which maps over each 'this.state.contents' and return a Panel object.

整个文件将返回一个 Panel 类数组.

This whole file will return an array of Panel class.


05-27 20:36