是否可以将 node_modules 文件夹移动到公共位置,例如: C:\ angular2 ,并可以在不同的应用程序中访问例如: C:\ angular2 \ angular2 -quickstart , C:\ angular2 \ angular2-tour-of-heroes 等.
Is there a way to move node_modules folder to common location ex: C:\angular2 and access in different apps ex: C:\angular2\angular2-quickstart, C:\angular2\angular2-tour-of-heroes etc..
仅为了学习angular2,我正在创建应用程序. node_module文件夹约为80mb.因此,无需每次复制和粘贴,都可以将其放置在公共位置.
Only for learning angular2, I am creating applications. node_module folder is about 80mb. So instead of every time copy and pasting is there a way to place it in common location.
我的node_modules目录存储在C:\ common文件夹中
I have node_modules directory stored in C:\common folder
On windows:
Go to your project folder
mklink /j node_modules C:\common\node_modules
ng serve --preserve-symlinks
On Linux:
ln -s ~/common/node_modules node_modules