

每当我尝试使用 apache fop 1.0 将 .fo 文件转换为 .pdf 时,我都会收到错误引用了实体 0slash 但未声明"

I am getting the error "entity 0slash was referenced but not declared" whenever I try to convert .fo file to .pdf with apache fop 1.0

我发现您可以在 DTD 中声明实体,但是,我的 .fo 文件没有 DTD.它应该有一个吗?如果没有,我该如何解决这个问题?最好不使用额外的 .xsl 或任何文件?

I found out you can declare entities in DTD, however, my .fo file has no DTD. Is it supposed to have one? If not, how can I solve this problem? Prefereably without using additional .xsl or whatever files?


(注意:在我的回答中,我使用的是Oslash"(哦斜线)而不是问题中的0slash"(零斜线). 因为实体名称不能以数字开头,所以我假设零是一个拼写错误.)

(NOTE: In my answer I'm using the "Oslash" (oh slash) instead of the "0slash" (zero slash) you have in your question. Since you can't begin an entity name with a digit, I'm assuming that the zero is a typo.)


  1. 您可以修改创建 XSL-FO 的任何内容以输出十六进制引用而不是 ISO 实体引用.在这种情况下,Ø 将是 Ø.

您可以在 DOCTYPE 声明的内部子集中声明实体.

You can declare the entity in the internal subset of a DOCTYPE declaration.

这是添加了 DOCTYPE 的示例 XSL-FO:

Here is a sample XSL-FO with the DOCTYPE added:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE fo:root [
<!ENTITY Oslash "&#xD8;">
<fo:root xmlns:fo="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format">
        <fo:simple-page-master master-name="page">
            <fo:region-body region-name="body"></fo:region-body>
    <fo:page-sequence master-reference="page">
        <fo:flow flow-name="body">
          <fo:block>Hello World! &Oslash;</fo:block>

如果你用 FOP 处理这个,你会得到:Hello World!Ø

If you process this with FOP, you get: Hello World! Ø


05-27 19:40