Can anyone tell me about certifications in C.Is it a good idea to do Certification. -Rupesh 推荐答案 ru ***** *** schrieb: ru******** schrieb: 任何人都可以告诉我C中的认证。认证是否是一个好主意。 -Rupesh Can anyone tell me about certifications in C. Is it a good idea to do Certification. -Rupesh 就个人而言,我认为一般认证都不是好事。 许多供应商(例如Oracle) ,Sun等)使用认证作为营销 工具,为那些需要舒适毯的人提供服务。认证也可能 的认可度有限(例如,私立大学课程认证) 以外的供应商(阅读:专有)模型。 我也非常不相信认证是交易制定者 许多人声称这是为了找工作。我审查过的大多数候选人都会根据他们的整体教育程度来判断,如果他们没有b或b没有C或其他语言达到要求的水平,那么我们假设 如果我们雇用聪明人,那么他们就不会超出他们的想法 - 我们很少说'好吧'让那个候选人因为他有那个 证书(它可能在其他公司或者那些 技能混合的国家可能不同。) 认证有它的好处,例如,它可能有助于作为一个新的程序员的动机,但一旦你获得认证,不要期望在你的 世界中改变太多。 hth, ajm。 Personally I do not think certification in general is a good thing.Many vendors (e.g., Oracle, Sun etc.) use certification as a marketingtool for those who need a comfort blanket. Certification might alsohave limited recognition (e.g., private college course certifications)outside of vendor (read: proprietary) models. I am also very unconvinced that certification is the deal maker thatmany claim it is for getting a job. Most candidates that I havereviewed are judged on their overall educational merits and if theydon''t have C or another language to the required level then we assumethat if we employ smart people it won''t be beyond them to figure it out- we rarely say ok let''s take that candidate because (s)he has thatcert (it may be different in other companies or in countries whereskills are more mixed perhaps.) Certification has its benefits e.g., It might help as a motivationalaid to a new programmer but don''t expect too much to change in yourworld once you are certified. hth,ajm. ajm写道: ajm wrote: 认证有其好处,例如,它可能有助于作为一个新的程序员的动机帮助,但不要期望太多改变你的世界一旦你ar e认证。 Certification has its benefits e.g., It might help as a motivational aid to a new programmer but don''t expect too much to change in your world once you are certified. 我认为这里的大多数常客都无法接受 a C认证考试而不想尝试纠正它。 - pete I think that most of the regulars here would be unable to takea C certification exam without being tempted to correct it. --pete ru ******** @ 写道:任何人都可以告诉我C中的认证。 做认证是个好主意。 -Rupesh Can anyone tell me about certifications in C. Is it a good idea to do Certification. -Rupesh C不属于像Sun这样的公司拥有Java或者是一个名为Visual Studio.net的产品,它会有一个考试。然而,您可以尝试 ,但如上所述网上免费提供的测试 需要进行一些修改。 C is not owned by a company like Sun has Java or a product aka that there would be an exam for it. You could however try on but as said above most of the freely available testson the web would require some amount of corrections. 这篇关于C认证的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!
10-13 20:27