


I've being working on a java project using Derbyclient (database locally hosted). I'm done with everything except that when I'm trying the desktop app while I'm not manually connected to the database (from Netbeans), the error in the title pops up and I can't seem to solve it. Thank you for taking the time to read this and help me.



Derby can be run in two modes embedded or server-based. Server-based allows multiple programs to access the same database. Embedded allows your application to run without a server. Your url selects server-based. The connection refused error indicates that the server is not running. Since the server was started within Netbeans it is shutdown when Netbeans is not running.


  1. 切换到嵌入式.
  2. 使用Netbeans外部的命令启动服务器.
  3. 只需保持Netbeans的运行即可.

要切换到嵌入式,请参阅Apache的文档以获取部署选项:从网址中删除"//localhost:1527".另请参见 https://builds.apache.org/job/Derby-docs/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/trunk/out/getstart/index.html

To switch to embedded see Apache's documentation for deployment options:Eliminate the "//localhost:1527" from the url.also see the tutorial "Run SQL using the embedded driver" at https://builds.apache.org/job/Derby-docs/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/trunk/out/getstart/index.html

要在单独的命令窗口中启动服务器,请参见derbyrun.jar的语法: https://builds.apache.org /job/Derby-docs/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/trunk/out/getstart/rgsderbyrunjarsyntax.html

To start the server in a seperate command window see the syntax for derbyrun.jar:https://builds.apache.org/job/Derby-docs/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/trunk/out/getstart/rgsderbyrunjarsyntax.html


08-04 15:34