


Update: Please file this under bad ideas. You don't get anything for free in life and here is certainly proof. A simple idea gone bad. It is definitely something to learn from however.


Lazy programming challenge. If I pass a function that 50-50 returns true or false for the qsort's comparision function I think that I can effectively unsort an array of structures writing 3 lines of code.

int main ( int argc, char **argv)
    srand( time(NULL) );  /* 1 */
    /* qsort(....) */     /* 2 */


int comp_nums(const int *num1, const int *num2)
    float frand = 
          (float) (rand()) / ((float) (RAND_MAX+1.0));  /* 3 */

    if (frand >= 0.5f)
         return GREATER_THAN;
    return LESS_THAN;


Any pitfalls I need to look for? Is it possible in fewer lines through swapping or is this the cleanest I get for 3 non trivial lines?



Bad idea. I mean really bad.

您的解决方案提供了一个未predictable 的结果,而不是一个随机的结果,是一个的区别。你有什么用随机比较的的qsort会做没有真正的想法,所有的组合是否同样有可能。这是一个洗牌的最重要标准:所有的组合都必须同样可能。偏颇的结果等于大麻烦。有没有办法去证明,在你的榜样。

Your solution gives an unpredictable result, not a random result and there is a big difference. You have no real idea of what a qsort with a random comparison will do and whether all combinations are equally likely. This is the most important criterion for a shuffle: all combinations must be equally likely. Biased results equal big trouble. There's no way to prove that in your example.


You should implement the Fisher-Yates shuffle (otherwise known as the Knuth shuffle).


09-26 21:17