本文介绍了如何引导SQL Server 2008 Express SP1?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试将SQL Server 2008 Express SP1引导到我的应用程序中.以前,我使用Wise for Windows执行必备安装,但是Wise尚不支持Windows Installer 4.5.

I am trying to bootstrap SQL Server 2008 Express SP1 into my application. Previously I used Wise for Windows to perform the prerequisite installation, but Wise doesn't support Windows Installer 4.5 yet.

我现在正在尝试将Visual Studio 2008引导程序技术与WiX 3.0一起使用,并且在获得SQL Server先决条件方面取得了成功,并且能够获得SQL Express 2008而不是SP1的清单.另外,我需要能够本地化SQLAccount,但是我将无法通过修改package.xml AFAIK来做到这一点.在我以前的解决方案中,使用Wise,我能够从目标系统收集本地化的字符串,并将参数直接传递给安装程序命令行.

I am now trying to use the Visual Studio 2008 bootstrap technology with WiX 3.0, and have had good success getting the SQL Server prerequisites, and am able to get the manifest for SQL Express 2008 but not SP1. Also, I need to be able to localize the SQLAccount, but I won't be able to do that through modifying package.xml AFAIK. In my previous solution, using Wise, I was able to collect the localized string from the target system and pass the parameter directly to the installer command line.


  1. 我在哪里可以找到SP1的引导清单文件(或可以制作它们?)

  1. Where can I find the bootstrap manifest files for SP1 (or can I make them?)

由于似乎在使用Visual Studio引导程序在编译时确定了命令行参数,因此如何对SQLAccount进行本地化.

How can I localize the SQLAccount since it appears that the command line parameters are decided at compile time with the Visual Studio bootstrapper.


您可以使用VS 2010 RC或更高版本来引导SQL Express 2008 SP1. WiX 3.5在那里可以使用,并且会允许它.

You can use the VS 2010 RC or later to bootstrap SQL Express 2008 SP1. WiX 3.5 works there and will allow it.

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08-12 00:35