本文介绍了清除 Grails 依赖缓存的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在尝试解决 SNAPSHOT maven 依赖项的问题时遇到了一些问题 (请参阅在这里).

I run into some problems when trying to solve a problem I had with SNAPSHOT maven dependencies (see here).

运行 grails dependency-report 时,会列出缓存的依赖项,或多或少像这样:

When running grails dependency-report, cached dependencies get listed, more or less like this:

acme-adapter-api 来自 com.acme
108 kB(下载 0 kB,缓存中 108 kB)

正如这个答案所暗示的那样,您可能会遇到麻烦在不增加版本号的情况下更新依赖项,导致缓存没有被清空,并且 SNAPSHOT 依赖项不会像人们预期的那样重新获取.

As this answer suggests, you can run into trouble when updating dependencies without increasing the release number, cause the cache is not emptied and SNAPSHOT dependencies don't get refetched, as one would expect.

我查看了所有地方,也在 %HOME%.grails 目录和床下;-) 但找不到任何看起来像缓存的东西.

I looked all over the place, also in the %HOME%.grails directory and under the bed ;-) but could not find anything looking like a cache.

它在哪里,所以我可以手动删除它?或者更好的是,我怎样才能让 grails compile 强行清理它?

Where is it, so I can delete it manually? Or even better, how can I get grails compile to clean it forcefully?


P.S:我使用的是 Grails 1.2M4


据我所知,Grails 在底层使用 Ivy(而不是 maven).你能检查一下 ~/.grails/ivy-cache 吗?

As far as I know, Grails uses Ivy under the hood (and not maven). Could you check ~/.grails/ivy-cache?

这篇关于清除 Grails 依赖缓存的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-29 19:49