本文介绍了如何根据外部列表过滤表的行?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 (1)我有一个大的R表读取超过10000行和10列。 $ b (2)表的第3列包含医院的名称。 (3)我有一个医院名称列表,例如: (4)你能不能介绍一下步骤3中列出的所有行? 以下是我输入文件的一个简短示例; 患者治疗医院回应 1 A YYY好 2 B YYY死$ b $ 3 A ZZZ好$ b $ 4 A万维网好 5 C UUU死 我有一份有兴趣进一步研究的医院名单,即YYY和UUU。如何用R生成如下输出表? 患者治疗医院回应 1 A YYY好 2 B YYY Dead 5 C UUU Dead 解决方案在%运算符中使用%。 $ b $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $#$样本数据 dat< - data.frame(患者= 1:5,治疗=字母[1:5], hospital = c(yyy,yyy,zzz,www uuu),response = rnorm(5)) #我们希望对 goodHosp dat [dat $ hospital%in%goodHosp,] 或使用subset命令: 子集(dat,hospital%in%goodHosp) code> (1) I have a large table read in R with more than a 10000 of rows and 10 columns.(2) The 3rd column of the table contain the name of the hospitals. Some of them are duplicated or even more.(3) I have a list of hospitals' name, e.g. 10 of them are needed to be study further.(4) Could you mind to teach me how to extract all the rows in step1 with the names listed in step 3?Here is a shorter example of my input file;Patients Treatment Hospital Response 1 A YYY Good 2 B YYY Dead 3 A ZZZ Good 4 A WWW Good 5 C UUU DeadI have a list of hospital that I am interested to study further, i.e YYY and UUU. How to generate a output table as follows with R?Patients Treatment Hospital Response 1 A YYY Good 2 B YYY Dead 5 C UUU Dead 解决方案 Use the %in% operator.#Sample datadat <- data.frame(patients = 1:5, treatment = letters[1:5], hospital = c("yyy", "yyy", "zzz", "www", "uuu"), response = rnorm(5))#List of hospitals we want to do further analysis ongoodHosp <- c("yyy", "uuu")You can either index directly into your data.frame object:dat[dat$hospital %in% goodHosp ,]or use the subset command:subset(dat, hospital %in% goodHosp) 这篇关于如何根据外部列表过滤表的行?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!
10-29 22:09