

TL; DR:如何使用Room Persistence库在同一个列表"中存储和检索都继承自ClassPClassAClassB类型的对象?

TL;DR: How can I store and retrieve objects of type ClassA and ClassB which both inherit from ClassP in the same "list", using the Room Persistence Library?

换句话说,我应该如何在房间DB中存储List<? extends BaseAnimal>?

In other words, How should I store a List<? extends BaseAnimal> in my Room DB?


I have Animals, for the purpose of this question.

public abstract class BaseAnimal {
    @PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
    private long id;

    public BaseAnimal(long id){this.id = id;}

    public abstract void func(int param);

    public long getId() {
        return id;


An animal has an id and implements some function func. There will likely be many kinds of animals. To start with, I have an Elephant which additionally has a trunkLength property, and a Giraffe which additionally has a neckLength property.

public class Giraffe extends BaseAnimal {
    public long neckLength;

    public Giraffe(long id) {

    public void func(int param) {


我的应用程序中有几个ElephantGiraffe实例.如何使用Android Room Persistence Library存储和检索按BaseAnimal.id排序的它们?

I have several instances of Elephant and Giraffe in my application. How can I, using the Android Room Persistence Library, store and retrieve them sorted by BaseAnimal.id?


At first, I hoped that it would be as simple as this:

  • @Entity(tableName = "base_animal_table")

注释RoomDatabase的扩展名 @Database(entities = {BaseAnimal.class},版本= 1)

Annotate my extension of the RoomDatabase with @Database(entities = {BaseAnimal.class }, version = 1)

@Insert void insertAnimal(BaseAnimal animal);

Add a function for inserting to the Data Access Object
@Insert void insertAnimal(BaseAnimal animal);


public void insertAnimal(BaseAnimal animal){
        new insertAnimalAsyncTask(recipeDAO).execute(animal);

private static class insertAnimalAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<BaseAnimal, Void, Void> {

    private RecipeDAO mAsyncTaskDao;

    insertAnimalAsyncTask(RecipeDAO dao) {
        mAsyncTaskDao = dao;

    protected Void doInBackground(final BaseAnimal... params) {
        return null;


I expected that this would lead to room generating a table named base_animal_table which would look somewhat like this (with some sample data):

| id | ElephantTrunkLength | GiraffeNeckLength |
| 0  | NULL                | 12                |
| 12 | 1337                | NULL              |


I also expected that I could retrieve the data from this table something like this:

// this is in the DAO
@Query("SELECT * from `base_animal_table` ORDER BY id ASC")
LiveData<List<BaseAnimal>> getAllAnimals();


and then get a list that contains both, entities of type Elephant with their trunkLength property set, and entities of type Giraffe with their neckLength set.This seems not to be straightforward. How can I implement this?


One approach I see is the following, but I am not sure whether it is the best way. And I am also starting to doubt that Room makes this any easier than using plain SQLite. I tried to produce a working example for this approach with room, but there are still some unresolved issues.


Create a table base_animals which only contains the id and other base animal attributes, along with an indicator of their child type:

// base_animals
| id | animalType |
| 0  | "GIRAFFE"  |
| 12 | "ELEPHANT" |


Use this table to keep a list of all animals and their ids. Create a table elephants and a table giraffes with the id and their specific properties (trunkLength and neckLength, respectively).Then we can store an animal in the DB by creating an entry in both the base table and the child table.
To retrieve a specific animal by id, we can now find the animalType in the base_animals table and with that decide in which child table - elephants or giraffes we need to search.


The problem I have with this approach is that it requires that I have to write quite some code and I have to update it whenever I create a new animal entity - e.g. a Dolphin.

所以,我的问题是:我应该如何在房间DB中存储List<? extends BaseAnimal>?

So, my question is: How should I store a List<? extends BaseAnimal> in my Room DB?
I would prefer it if I could leave BaseAnimal an abstract class.



I'm not sure that using inheritance is a good idea here.I would suggest using composition instead.


Keep a class named Animal (not BaseAnimal).


The animal should have a type just like you suggested.


Another table (AnimalProperties) would hold the properties of each animal.It will have a foreign key to the Animals table and a property name and property value.



If this is all that you need, meaning a class with type and properties then you're all set.But if you also need the class to behave differently like implementing a fly() method for a bird and run() a dog then you should consider using Composition to add behaviors to the Animal.


If you are not familiar with Composition have a look here for a simple explanation.


08-05 12:35