


Learning NASM Assembly on 32-bit Ubuntu.

我一直在学习递归函数.我只是做了阶乘,在您的帮助下:了解NASM Assembly中的递归阶乘函数

I've been learning about recursive functions. I just did factorial, with your help here: Understanding recursive factorial function in NASM Assembly


Watching the code, I thought that maybe I could quickly implement fibonacci as well, using almost the same code. Here is the code, assuming that the parameter is always greater than 0:

global main
; -----------------------------------------------------------
; Main
; -----------------------------------------------------------
push    6
call    fibonacci
mov     [ECX],EAX
add     byte [ECX],'0'
mov     EDX,1
call    print

; -----------------------------------------------------------
; Exit
; -----------------------------------------------------------
mov EAX,1
int 0x80

; -----------------------------------------------------------
; Fibonacci recursivo: f(n) = f(n - 1) + f(n - 2)
; -----------------------------------------------------------

push    EBP         ; Retrieve parameter and put it
push    EBX         ; Save previous parameter
mov     EBP,ESP     ; into EBX register
add     EBP,12      ;
mov     EBX,[EBP]   ; EBX = Param

cmp     EBX,1       ; Check for base case
jle     base        ; It is base if (n <= 1)

dec     EBX     ; Decrement EBX to put it in the stack
push    EBX     ; Put (EBX - 1) in stack
inc     EBX     ; Restore EBX
call    fibonacci   ; Calculate fibonacci for (EBX - 1)
mov ESI,EAX     ; EAX = (EAX + EBX)
pop EBX         ; Retrieve EBX from the stack

sub EBX,2       ; Decrement EBX to put it in the stack
push    EBX     ; Put (EBX - 2) in stack
add EBX,2       ; Restore EBX
call    fibonacci   ; Calculate fibonacci for (EBX - 2)
mov EDX,EAX     ; EAX = (EAX + EBX)
pop EBX         ; Retrieve EBX from the stack


jmp end
base:               ; Base case
mov EAX,1           ; The result would be 1


pop     EBX         ; Restore previous parameter
pop     EBP         ; Release EBP

有点粗糙.我计算(parameter - 1)的斐波那契,然后再次对(parameter - 2)进行计算,然后将它们加起来并放入EAX.

It is a bit crude. I calculate fibonacci for (parameter - 1), then I do it again for (parameter - 2), and just add them up and put them into EAX.


2 => 2
3 => 3
4 => 4
5 => 4


Fortunately I fixed the segmentation fault errors, but I probably broke something else doing that. Now I don't see what's the problem. Can you tell me why am I getting the wrong values?

一个特殊的观察结果是,由于某种原因,执行mov ECX,EAX给了我一个分段错误错误.这就是为什么我改用ESI的原因.我不确定为什么,但是我想这是相关的.

One particular observation is that, for some reason, doing mov ECX,EAX gave me a segmentation fault error. That's why I used ESI instead. I'm not sure why, but I guess that it is related.



Whenever you're dealing with recursion, you have to be very careful about what the next layer in the recursive chain will do to the state of the current layer (e.g. register values). I'd suggest rewriting the function as follows:

push    EBP         ; Retrieve parameter and put it
push    EBX         ; Save previous parameter
mov     EBP,ESP     ; into EBX register
add     EBP,12      ;
mov     EBX,[EBP]   ; EBX = Param

cmp     EBX,1       ; Check for base case
jle     base        ; It is base if (n <= 1)

lea ecx,[ebx-1]
push ecx            ; push N-1
call    fibonacci   ; Calculate fibonacci for (EBX - 1)
pop ecx             ; remove N-1 off the stack

push eax            ; save the result of fibonacci(N-1)
lea ecx,[ebx-2]
push ecx            ; push N-2
call    fibonacci   ; Calculate fibonacci for (EBX - 2)
pop ecx             ; remove N-2 off the stack
pop ecx             ; ecx = fibonacci(N-1)
add eax,ecx         ; eax = fibonacci(N-2) + fibonacci(N-1)

jmp end
base:               ; Base case
mov EAX,1           ; The result would be 1

pop     EBX         ; Restore previous parameter
pop     EBP         ; Release EBP


09-05 09:37