

HMAC SHA1签名我从我的python实现和我的clojure实现略有不同。

The HMAC SHA1 signatures I'm getting from my python implementation and my clojure implementation are slightly different. I'm stumped as to what would cause that.


import hashlib
import hmac

print hmac.new("my-key", "my-data", hashlib.sha1).hexdigest() # 8bcd5631480093f0b00bd072ead42c032eb31059


Clojure implementation:

(ns my-project.hmac
    (:import (javax.crypto Mac)
         (javax.crypto.spec SecretKeySpec)))

(def algorithm "HmacSHA1")

(defn return-signing-key [key mac]
  "Get an hmac key from the raw key bytes given some 'mac' algorithm.
  Known 'mac' options: HmacSHA1"
    (SecretKeySpec. (.getBytes key) (.getAlgorithm mac)))

(defn sign-to-bytes [key string]
  "Returns the byte signature of a string with a given key, using a SHA1 HMAC."
  (let [mac (Mac/getInstance algorithm)
    secretKey (return-signing-key key mac)]
    (-> (doto mac
      (.init secretKey)
      (.update (.getBytes string)))

; Formatting
(defn bytes-to-hexstring [bytes]
  "Convert bytes to a String."
  (apply str (map #(format "%x" %) bytes)))

; Public functions
(defn sign-to-hexstring [key string]
  "Returns the HMAC SHA1 hex string signature from a key-string pair."
  (bytes-to-hexstring (sign-to-bytes key string)))

(sign-to-hexstring "my-key" "my-data") ; 8bcd563148093f0b0bd072ead42c32eb31059



The part of your Clojure code that translates bytes to hex strings drops leading zeros.

您可以使用保持前导零的格式字符串(%02x ),或使用正确的十六进制编码库,例如或。

You could use a format string that maintains a leading zero ("%02x"), or use a proper hex encoding library, such as Guava or Commons Codec.


09-03 12:33