

实例很可能是某种容器,所以很可能也是 Functor 。的确,说:

A Foldable instance is likely to be some sort of container, and so is likely to be a Functor as well. Indeed, this says

那么是否存在一个 Foldable 的例子,它本质上不是一个 Functor 或一个 Traversable的? (这可能是哈斯克尔的wiki页面错过了:-))

So is there an example of a Foldable which is not naturally a Functor or a Traversable? (which perhaps the Haskell wiki page missed :-) )


这是一个完全参数化的例子: b

Here's a fully parametric example:

data Weird a = Weird a (a -> a)

instance Foldable Weird where
  foldMap f (Weird a b) = f $ b a

奇怪的是不是 Functor ,因为 a 出现在负数位置。

Weird is not a Functor because a occurs in a negative position.


09-16 09:23