


I am trying to initialize a deck of cards. I have card attributes in my card struct. My approach is to try and create an array of "enum states", then iterate through those to initialize each card. I am having trouble doing so.


import Foundation

struct Set{
    var cards = [Card]()

        let properties : [Any] =
            [cardShape.self, cardColor.self, cardNumber.self, cardShading.self]
        for prop in properties{
        // Not really sure how to iterate through this array...
        // Ideally it would be something like this.
        // Iterate through array, for property in array,
        // card.add(property)


import UIKit
import Foundation

struct Card{
    var attributes : properties = properties()

    mutating func addProperty(value : Property){
        if value is cardShape{
            attributes.shape = value as! cardShape
        } else if value is cardColor{
            attributes.color = value as! cardColor
        } else if value is cardNumber{
            attributes.number = value as! cardNumber
        }else if value is cardShading{
            attributes.shading = value as! cardShading

protocol Property{
    static var allValues : [Property] {get}

struct properties{
    var shape : cardShape = cardShape.none
    var color : cardColor = cardColor.none
    var number : cardNumber = cardNumber.none
    var shading : cardShading = cardShading.none

enum cardShape : String,Property{
    case Square = "■"
    case Triangle = "▲"
    case Circle = "●"
    case none
    static var allValues : [Property]{ return [cardShape.Square,cardShape.Triangle,cardShape.Circle]}

enum cardColor:Property  {
    case Red
    case Purple
    case Green
    case none

    static var allValues : [Property] {return [cardColor.Red,cardColor.Purple,cardColor.Green]}

enum cardNumber : Int,Property{
    case One = 1
    case Two = 2
    case Three = 3
    case none

    static var allValues : [Property] {return [cardNumber.One,cardNumber.Two,cardNumber.Three]}

enum cardShading: Property {
    case Solid
    case Striped
    case Outlined
    case none

    static var allValues : [Property] {return [cardShading.Solid,cardShading.Striped,cardShading.Outlined]}


So to summarize, my main issue is trying to create an array of enums, then cycling through the enum states to initialize a card with specific attribute states.



You will want to make sure you cover all combinations of attributes and make sure each card has one of each of the four types of attributes. I would suggest using nested loops:

for shape in cardShape.allValues {
    for color in cardColor.allValues {
        for number in cardNumber.allValues {
            for shading in cardShading.allValues {
                var card = Card()

我相信您的 结构有点太复杂了。如果您更改自己的表示形式,将更容易创建卡片。

I believe your Card struct is a bit too complex. If you change your representation, it will be easier to create the cards.


Have your card represent the different attributes as their own property:

struct Card {
    let shape: CardShape
    let color: CardColor
    let number: CardNumber
    let shading: CardShading


Then use nested loops to create your cards:

for shape in CardShape.allValues {
    for color in CardColor.allValues {
        for number in CardNumber.allValues {
            for shading in CardShading.allValues {
                cards.append(Card(shape: shape, color: color, number: number, shading: shading))


  • 枚举应以大写字母开头,而枚举值应以小写字母开头。

  • Usin每个属性使用单独的属性将使检查卡之间的匹配属性变得更加容易。

  • 默认情况下,您会获得一个初始化所有属性的初始化程序。通过使用嵌套循环初始化它们,您将能够创建所有可能的卡。

  • 更改您的 allValues 属性以返回特定属性类型(例如 [CardShape] )。

  • Your enums should start with uppercase characters, and your enum values should start with lowercase characters.
  • Using separate properties for each attribute will make it much easier to check for matching attributes between cards.
  • You get an initializer by default that initializes all properties. By initializing them with nested loops, you will be able to create all possible cards.
  • Change your allValues properties to return arrays of the specific attribute type (for example [CardShape]).


除了使用嵌套数组,还可以使用函数可创建属性组合的列表。将 init 添加到 Card 需花费 [Property] 的卡片,您可以用两行代码创建卡:

Instead of using nested arrays, you could use MartinR's combinations function to create the list of combinations of the properties. Adding an init to Card that takes [Property], you can create the cards in two lines of code:

struct Card {
    var shape = CardShape.none
    var color = CardColor.none
    var number = CardNumber.none
    var shading = CardShading.none

    init(properties: [Property]) {
        for property in properties {
            switch property {
            case let shape as CardShape:
                self.shape = shape
            case let color as CardColor:
                self.color = color
            case let number as CardNumber:
                self.number = number
            case let shading as CardShading:
                self.shading = shading

// https://stackoverflow.com/a/45136672/1630618
func combinations<T>(options: [[T]]) -> AnySequence<[T]> {
    guard let lastOption = options.last else {
        return AnySequence(CollectionOfOne([]))
    let headCombinations = combinations(options: Array(options.dropLast()))
    return AnySequence(headCombinations.lazy.flatMap { head in
        lastOption.lazy.map { head + [$0] }

struct SetGame {
    let cards: [Card]

        let properties: [Property.Type] = [CardShape.self, CardColor.self, CardNumber.self, CardShading.self]
        cards = combinations(options: properties.map { $0.allValues }).map(Card.init)


  1. properties.map {$ 0.allValues} 在每个项目上调用 allValues properties 数组创建一个 [[Property]] 并与 [[。square,.triangle, .circle],[。red,.purple,.green],[。one,.two,.three],[。solid, .striped,.outlined]]

  2. 这将传递给 combinations ,从而创建一个包含所有81这些属性的组合: [[.. square,.red,.one,.solid],...,[.circle,.green,.three,.outlined]]

  3. map 在此序列上运行,以调用 Card.init 每种组合都会产生 [Card] ,其中有81张卡。

  1. properties.map { $0.allValues } calls allValues on each item of the properties array creating an [[Property]] with [[.square, .triangle, .circle], [.red, .purple, .green], [.one, .two, .three], [.solid, .striped, .outlined]]
  2. This is passed to combinations which creates a sequence with all 81 combinations of these properties: [[.square, .red, .one, .solid], ..., [.circle, .green, .three, .outlined]].
  3. map is run on this sequence to call Card.init with each combination which results in an [Card] with 81 cards.


07-22 16:07