


I work on a MIDI-based project in Java and struggle to refresh the list of Midi Devices.


As far as i know MidiSystem.getMidiDeviceInfo(); should give me an Info[] Array. Nothing happens for me however. The Objects inside the Array stay the same when new devices are plugged in or out and so is it's length.

搜索Stackoverflow使我想到了这个已有6年历史的问题 .评论之一表明,可能是在OSX/macOS上.我还没有在Windows或Linux上尝试过我的程序,但是无论如何它应该可以在OSX/macOS上运行.

Searching Stackoverflow brought me to this 6 year old question. One of the comments suggests, that being on OSX/macOS might be the issue. I haven't tried my program on Windows or Linux yet, but it should work on OSX/macOS anyways.


Another comment suggests setting the cache time to something short with com.sun.media.sound.JDK13Services.setCachingPeriod(1); manually could fix this. Not on OSX/macOS however.

在Google上进行的进一步搜索将我带到了 openjdk错误报告,其中声称这是OSX/macOS的Apple方面的错误.

A further search on Google brought me to a openjdk bug report which claims that this is some bug on Apples side in OSX/macOS.


Below is a shortened version of my Devices class for verification, though i'm sure it should be correct.

private Info[] devices;

public Devices() {

// DeviceList Functions
public Info[] getDeviceList() {
    return devices;

public void printDeviceList() {
    for (int i = 0; i < devices.length; i++) {
        System.out.println("Description: \t" + devices[i].getDescription());
        System.out.println("Name: \t\t" + devices[i].getName());
        System.out.println("Vendor: \t" + devices[i].getVendor());
        System.out.println("Version: \t" + devices[i].getVersion());

public void refreshDeviceList() {
    devices = MidiSystem.getMidiDeviceInfo();

// DeviceFunctions
public String getDeviceDescription(int i) {
    return devices[i].getDescription();

public String getDeviceName(int i) {
    return devices[i].getName();

public String getDeviceVendor(int i) {
    return devices[i].getVendor();

public String getDeviceVersion(int i) {
    return devices[i].getVersion();


Note, that calling refreshDevices() for the first time when creating a new Devices Object works and printing gets me a list of available devices. Just not afterwards. Restarting the program after plugging devices in or out returns the correct new number of devices however.


Can anyone provide a solution to this?



There is now a library, CoreMidi4J, that correctly supports hot-plugging (as well as a few other things) on macOS. I am not the author, but it appears to work well for my needs.



09-26 20:21