

我正在将旧游戏项目移植到AndroidStudio格式,该项目使用的是旧的BaseGameUtils Eclipse风格的Android库项目,该项目必须作为库导入到游戏项目中.

I'm porting to AndroidStudio format an old game project which is using using old BaseGameUtils Eclipse style Android library project, which must be imported as a library to the game project.

是否有Gradle依赖替代BaseGameUtils项目?我可以找到的有关BaseGameUtils的唯一信息是: https://developers.google.com/games/services/android/init

Is there a gradle dependence alternative to BaseGameUtils project? The only thing I can find about BaseGameUtils is this: https://developers.google.com/games/services/android/init

似乎Google告诉您应该使用BaseGameUtils,但我也发现了这一点: https://developers.google.com/games/services/android/leaderboards

And it seems that Google is telling you that you should use BaseGameUtils, but also I found this: https://developers.google.com/games/services/android/leaderboards


In that last link, google is telling how to implement leaderboards and is not naming BaseGameUtils in the text, so I'm confused. Is BaseGameUtils still necessary? If not, and it can be done using the last link, what would be necessary to import as a Gradle dependence?


https://developers.google.com/games/services/android/leaderboards ,以下载并查看 Android示例页面.

而且,在 Android示例页面中,您可以在自述文件中找到以下内容:

And, In the Android samples page you can find in the Readme that:

BaseGameUtils .在所有样本上使用的实用程序,您也可以在项目中使用.这不是一个独立的示例,它是一个库项目.

BaseGameUtils. Utilities used on all samples, which you can use in your projects too. This is not a stand-alone sample, it's a library project.


So, yeah it is still needed.


05-27 12:50