例如IIf([tbl_ArticlesPerOrder]![Amount]*[Total])=0,0,[TotalPrice]/([tbl_ArticlesPerOrder]![Amount]*[Total]) MS LINK:避免在Access中除以零错误(根据Kev的评论进行编辑)I have the following expression in an MS Access Query, where some of these values can be null and despite the cast to a Decimal and the Not Zero (NZ) function, I still get an overflow error.Sum(Cdec(Nz([TotalPrice]/([tbl_ArticlesPerOrder]![Amount]*[Total])*[tbl_ArtikelRemoveFromSawList]![Amount]),0))EDIT: Removing the TotalPrice division removes the overflow. So I suspect a division by 0. Any way to deal with that? 解决方案 I would try to see if you can build an IFf statement within your sum to handle the division by zero.e.g. IIf([tbl_ArticlesPerOrder]![Amount]*[Total])=0,0,[TotalPrice]/([tbl_ArticlesPerOrder]![Amount]*[Total])MS LINK: Avoiding divide by zero errors in Access(Edited based on Kev's comments) 这篇关于MS Access上溢-处理除以0的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-12 02:41