本文介绍了NDK code。通过给予致命信号11(SIGSEGV),code 2在一些HTC棒棒糖设备和一些其他的设备崩溃的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


下面code用于通过拖动边缘缩放图像边框。它在极限摩托,承上启下5倍,其他一些设备和仿真器工作正常。但它崩溃的HTC ONE(棒棒堂5.0.2)和其他一些设备也。我认为这是由于沉重的图形处理。请一定帮我提供的修补程序。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <jni.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <android/log.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <android/bitmap.h>
//#include <asm/io.h>
#define LOG_TAG "System.out"
#define LOGD(...) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, LOG_TAG, __VA_ARGS__)
#define LOGI(...) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, __VA_ARGS__)

int *colorRed;
int *colorGreen;
int *colorBlue;
int *colorsP;

int *colorAlpha;
int _width,_height;
jintArray imagecolors;

static long SinXDivX_Table_8[(2<<8)+1];
double MySin(double x){
     double absx;
     absx = x;
     if(x<0) absx = -x;

     double x2 = absx*absx;
     double x3 = x2*absx;
     if(absx<1)    return (1-2*x2+x3);
     else if(absx<2) return (4-8*absx+5*x2-x3);
     else return 0;

int getAlpha(int i, int j) {
    return (*(colorsP+j*_width+i) >> 24)&0xFF;

int getRedColor(int i,int j){

    //return *(colorRed+j*_width+i);
    return (*(colorsP+j*_width+i) >> 16)&0xFF;

int getGreenColor(int i,int j){
    //return *(colorGreen+j*_width+i);
    return (*(colorsP+j*_width+i) >> 8)&0xFF;

int getBlueColor(int i,int j){
    //return *(colorBlue+j*_width+i);
    return (*(colorsP+j*_width+i))&0xFF;

     * �õ�x*x+y*y��ֵ
     * @param x
     * @param y
     * @return
 double hypotsq(double x,double y){
        return x*x+y*y;

void mapping(JNIEnv *env,jintArray image,int x,int y,double max_dist,
                       double orig_x,double orig_y,double cur_x,double cur_y){
          // if(mode == 120){
            float u = 0,v = 0;
            float fu = x,fv = y;
            double dx = x - orig_x;
            double dy = y - orig_y;
            long i,j;
            int i1,j1,_i,_j,i2,j2;
            float du;
            float dv;
            int colorpix = 0;
            int red,green,blue,alpha;
            double max_dist_sq = max_dist*max_dist;
            double mou_dx = cur_x - orig_x;
            mou_dx = mou_dx/4;
            double mou_dy = cur_y - orig_y;
            mou_dy = mou_dy/4;
            if(dx > -max_dist&&dx<max_dist&&dy>-max_dist&&dy<max_dist){
                double rsq = hypotsq(dx, dy);
                if(rsq < max_dist_sq){
                        double msq = hypotsq(dx - mou_dx,dy - mou_dy);
                        double edge_dist = max_dist_sq - rsq;
                        double a = edge_dist/(edge_dist + msq);
                        a *=a;
                        fu -= a*mou_dx; //ӳ���ĸ�������
                        fv -= a*mou_dy; //ӳ���ĸ�������

                    u = fu;
                    v = fv;
                    u = u<(_width-1)?u:(_width-1);
                    v = v<(_height-1)?v:(_height-1);

                    u = u>0?u:0;
                    v = v>0?v:0;
    //              i = (int)u; //��ӦԴͼ��X������������
    //              j = (int)v; //��ӦԴͼ��Y������������
    //              du = u-i;//С���㲿��
    //              dv = v-j;//С���㲿��
                    long intu = (long)(u*(1 << 16)); //�Ŵ�
                    long intv = (long)(v*(1 << 16)); //�Ŵ�

                    i = intu >> 16; //Ȼ������С�õ���������
                    j = intv >> 16; //Ȼ������С�õ���������

                    long idu = (intu & 0xFFFF)>> 8;  //�õ�С������
                    long idv = (intv & 0xFFFF)>> 8;  //�õ�С������

                    long _idu = (256-idu);     //�൱��û�Ŵ�ǰ��(1-du)֮���
                    long _idv = (256-idv);

                    i1 = (i+1)<(_width-1)?(i+1):(_width-1);//Math.min(i+1, width-1);
                    j1 = (j+1)<(_height-1)?(j+1):(_height-1);//Math.min(j+1, height-1);
                    alpha = (_idu*_idv*getAlpha(i, j)+_idu*idv*getAlpha(i, j1)+
                             idu*_idv*getAlpha(i1, j)+idu*idv*getAlpha(i1,j1))>>16;

                    red = (_idu*_idv*getRedColor(i, j)+_idu*idv*getRedColor(i, j1)+
                            idu*_idv*getRedColor(i1, j)+idu*idv*getRedColor(i1,j1))>>16;

                    green = (_idu*_idv*getGreenColor(i, j)+_idu*idv*getGreenColor(i, j1)+
                            idu*_idv*getGreenColor(i1, j)+idu*idv*getGreenColor(i1,j1))>>16;

                    blue = (_idu*_idv*getBlueColor(i, j)+_idu*idv*getBlueColor(i, j1)+
                            idu*_idv*getBlueColor(i1, j)+idu*idv*getBlueColor(i1,j1))>>16;

                    int red3, green3, blue3, alpha3;
                    i2 = (i+2)<(_width-1)?(i+2):(_width-1);
                    j2 = (j+2)<(_height-1)?(j+2):(_height-1);
                    _i = (i-1)>0?(i-1):0;
                    _j = (j-1)>0?(j-1):0;
                    long A[4] = {SinXDivX_Table_8[(1<<8)+idu],SinXDivX_Table_8[idu+0],SinXDivX_Table_8[(1<<8)-idu],SinXDivX_Table_8[(2<<8)-idu]};
                    long C[4] = {SinXDivX_Table_8[(1<<8)+idv],

                    int alphaB[16] = {getAlpha(_i, _j),  getAlpha(_i,j), getAlpha(_i,j1),  getAlpha(_i,j2),
                                      getAlpha(i,_j),    getAlpha(i,j),  getAlpha(i,j1),   getAlpha(i,j2),
                                      getAlpha(i1,_j),   getAlpha(i1,j), getAlpha(i1,j1),  getAlpha(i1,j2),
                                      getAlpha(i2,_j),   getAlpha(i2,j), getAlpha(i2,j1),  getAlpha(i2,j2)};
                    double aA_B[4] = {(A[0]*alphaB[0]+A[1]*alphaB[4]+A[2]*alphaB[8]+A[3]*alphaB[12]),
                    alpha3 = (int)(aA_B[0]*C[0]+aA_B[1]*C[1]+aA_B[2]*C[2]+aA_B[3]*C[3])>>16;

                    int redB[16] = {getRedColor(_i, _j),  getRedColor(_i,j), getRedColor(_i,j1),  getRedColor(_i,j2),
                                       getRedColor(i,_j),    getRedColor(i,j),  getRedColor(i,j1),   getRedColor(i,j2),
                                       getRedColor(i1,_j),   getRedColor(i1,j), getRedColor(i1,j1),  getRedColor(i1,j2),
                                       getRedColor(i2,_j),   getRedColor(i2,j), getRedColor(i2,j1),  getRedColor(i2,j2)};

                    double A_B[4] = {(A[0]*redB[0]+A[1]*redB[4]+A[2]*redB[8]+A[3]*redB[12]),
                    red3 = (int)(A_B[0]*C[0]+A_B[1]*C[1]+A_B[2]*C[2]+A_B[3]*C[3])>>16;
                    int greenB[16] = {getGreenColor(_i, _j),  getGreenColor(_i,j), getGreenColor(_i,j1),  getGreenColor(_i,j2),
                                         getGreenColor(i,_j),    getGreenColor(i,j),  getGreenColor(i,j1),   getGreenColor(i,j2),
                                         getGreenColor(i1,_j),   getGreenColor(i1,j), getGreenColor(i1,j1),  getGreenColor(i1,j2),
                                         getGreenColor(i2,_j),   getGreenColor(i2,j), getGreenColor(i2,j1),  getGreenColor(i2,j2)};
                    double gA_B[4] = {(A[0]*greenB[0]+A[1]*greenB[4]+A[2]*greenB[8]+A[3]*greenB[12]),
                    green3 = (int)(gA_B[0]*C[0]+gA_B[1]*C[1]+gA_B[2]*C[2]+gA_B[3]*C[3])>>16;
                    int blueB[16] = {getBlueColor(_i, _j),  getBlueColor(_i,j), getBlueColor(_i,j1),  getBlueColor(_i,j2),
                                        getBlueColor(i,_j),    getBlueColor(i,j),  getBlueColor(i,j1),   getBlueColor(i,j2),
                                        getBlueColor(i1,_j),   getBlueColor(i1,j), getBlueColor(i1,j1),  getBlueColor(i1,j2),
                                        getBlueColor(i2,_j),   getBlueColor(i2,j), getBlueColor(i2,j1),  getBlueColor(i2,j2)};
                    double bA_B[4] = {(A[0]*blueB[0]+A[1]*blueB[4]+A[2]*blueB[8]+A[3]*blueB[12]),
                    blue3 = (int)(bA_B[0]*C[0]+bA_B[1]*C[1]+bA_B[2]*C[2]+bA_B[3]*C[3])>>16;

                        colorpix = (alpha << 24)|(red << 16)|(green << 8)|blue;
                        colorpix = (alpha3 << 24)|(red3 << 16)|(green3 << 8)|blue3;
                //LOGI("c---> ca = %d",);
                (*env)->SetIntArrayRegion(env,image,(int) (y*_width + x),1,&colorpix);


JNIEXPORT jintArray JNICALL Java_com_test_mypicture_ui_WarpView_warpPhotoFromC
  (JNIEnv * env, jobject obj, jintArray imagearr, jint height, jint width, jdouble r,
                        jdouble orig_x, jdouble orig_y, jdouble cur_x, jdouble cur_y){

    int len = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env,imagearr);

    int* color = (*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env,imagearr,0);

    int colors[len];

    int colorsOr[len];

    _width = width;
    _height = height;

    int i = 0;
        int colorpix = *(color+i);//��ǰ����ֵ
        colors[i] = colorpix;
    colorsP = &colors[0];

    int or_x = (orig_x-r)>0?(orig_x-r):0;//(int) Math.max((orig_x-r), 0);
    int or_y = (orig_y-r)>0?(orig_y-r):0;//(int) Math.max((orig_y-r), 0);

    int max_x = (orig_x+r)<width?(orig_x+r):width;//(int) Math.min((orig_x+r), width);
    int max_y = (orig_y+r)<height?(orig_y+r):height;//(int) Math.min((orig_y+r), height);
    int m = or_y;
        int n = or_x;
                    mapping(env,imagearr,n, m,r,orig_x,orig_y,cur_x,cur_y);
    return imagecolors;
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_test_mypicture_MainActivity_initArray
  (JNIEnv * env, jobject obj){
        long k;
        for (k = 0;k<=(2<<8);++k){
        return 0;

package com.test.mypicture.ui;

import com.test.mypicture.R;

import android.content.Context;
import android.graphics.Bitmap;
import android.graphics.Canvas;
import android.graphics.Paint;
import android.graphics.RectF;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;

public class WarpView extends View {
    public native int[] warpPhotoFromC(int[] image,int height,int width,double max_dist,
                                      double orig_x,double orig_y,double cur_x,double cur_y);

    private Bitmap mBmp;    // original bitmap
    private Bitmap newBmp;  // ARGB_8888 bitmap
    private int[] image;    // array of pixels
    private int[] colorR;
    private int[] colorG;
    private int[] colorB;
    private boolean fg = true;

    private static final int DEFAULT_PAINT_FLAGS =
            Paint.FILTER_BITMAP_FLAG | Paint.DITHER_FLAG;
    Paint mPaint = new Paint(DEFAULT_PAINT_FLAGS);

    public static int HWPPQ = 110; 
    public static int MMQFJ = 120;  

    private int MODE = MMQFJ;
    private double orig_x, orig_y;
    private double mou_dx,mou_dy;
    private double max_dist;
    private int width;  // image width
    private int height; // image height

    private float scale;
    private RectF dest;
    private double move_x,move_y;
    private int dist = (int) getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.max_dist);

    public WarpView(Context context) {

    public WarpView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);
        //setLayerType(View.LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE, null);
        dest = new RectF(0,0,0,0);

    protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
            int viewWidth = getWidth();
            int viewHeight = getHeight();
            float scale1 = (float)width/(float)viewWidth;
            float scale2 = (float)height/(float)viewHeight;
            scale = scale1>scale2?scale1:scale2;
            float wscale = width / scale;
            float hscale = height / scale;
            int xoffset = (viewWidth-(int)wscale)/2;
            int yoffset = (viewHeight-(int)hscale)/2;
            dest.set(xoffset, yoffset, (int)wscale+xoffset, (int)hscale+yoffset);// = new RectF(xoffset, yoffset, (int) (width/scale)+xoffset, (int) (height/scale)+yoffset);

            canvas.drawBitmap(mBmp, null, dest, mPaint);

            canvas.drawBitmap(newBmp,null, dest, mPaint);

    public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {

        case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
            orig_x = event.getX();
            orig_y = event.getY();
            orig_x = (orig_x-dest.left)*scale;
            orig_y = (orig_y-dest.top)*scale;

        case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
                max_dist = dist*scale;//Math.hypot(mou_dx, mou_dy);
                if(event.getAction() != 1){

                    //int m = event.getHistorySize();

                    move_x = event.getX();
                    move_y = event.getY();

                    move_x = (move_x-dest.left)*scale;
                    move_y = (move_y-dest.top)*scale;

//                  if(m > 0){
//                      int i2 = m + -1;
//                      orig_x = (event.getHistoricalX(i2) - dest.left)*scale;
//                      orig_y = (event.getHistoricalY(i2) - dest.top)*scale;
//                  }
                    if(move_x >=0 && move_y >= 0){

                        newBmp.setPixels(image, 0, width, 0, 0, width, height);
                        fg = false;
                orig_x = move_x;
                orig_y = move_y;

        case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
        return true;
    public void setWarpBitmap(Bitmap bmp){
        fg = true;
        mBmp = bmp;
        width = bmp.getWidth();
        height = bmp.getHeight();
        newBmp = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888/*Bitmap.Config.RGB_565*/);
        image = new int[width*height];

        mBmp.getPixels(image, 0, width, 0, 0, width, height);
        newBmp.setPixels(image, 0, width, 0, 0, width, height);
    public void setMode(int mode){
        this.MODE = mode;

    public Bitmap getWrapBitmap(){
        return newBmp;


I just updated my build.gradle settings ndk configuration and it started to work in every device.

ndk {
            moduleName "native"
            toolchain "clang"
            toolchainVersion "3.5"
            stl "stlport_static"

这篇关于NDK code。通过给予致命信号11(SIGSEGV),code 2在一些HTC棒棒糖设备和一些其他的设备崩溃的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-23 17:01