本文介绍了我如何在TFS 2010中为“中央图书馆”建模?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 限时删除!! 我目前正在评估TFS 2010,作为源代码控制解决方案而不是Git在我们的开发团队中使用。我们是一家微软商店,无论如何,我们的手指都要进入Sharepoint和Project Server,所以最好能够在一个平台上运行。 我的问题始于此... 在Git中,我们有一个开发模型,将我们公司的OWN可重用代码库存储在单独的存储库中。每个客户端解决方案还有其自己的存储库和一个子模块(SVN-junkies的外部模块),将其链接到我们的通用库。为了让开发人员能够随时为我们的通用库添加功能,我们为每个子模块设置了一个跟踪分支,并在功能完成时将这些功能合并到我们的通用库中。 所以(在对旧ascii艺术的回扣中),我们的Git设置的粗略表示将是... 通用库::(分支)-----> (子模块):: Client-Solution ^ | | ----------------- 这种结构对我们的有效性非常重要。它允许开发人员在开发客户端解决方案的同时,在解决方案中更新我们的通用库。更重要的是,它允许新开发的功能通过将客户分支合并回主服务器和其他客户端解决方案,以需求驱动的有机方式找回到我们共同的库中。 我的问题是,我真的想用TFS 2010来处理所有其他工作流程的好东西,但我很难弄清楚这样的模型如何适应其源代码管理功能。它看起来非常独立。到目前为止,我找不到任何描述如何设置外部引用的方法,比如'submodule'。 TFS 2010有这样一个功能? 或许我对TFS 2010模型的理解不足? 如何在TFS 2010中设置共享公共库模型? 解决方案如果我正确理解了你的话,你可以将它映射到你的本地工作区: $ / ... / Projects / YourProject 和 $ / ... / Libs / LibA 您可以将您的本地工作区设置为 状态源控制文件夹本地文件夹活动$ / ... / Projects / YourProject C:\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \..\YourProject\Libs 所以你的库可以存在于TFS项目的任何地方,bu在当地他们将在合理的位置提供给您,以便您添加到您的解决方案中。然后,您所做的任何更改都可以正确地保存在存储库中,并且任何使用这些共享项目的人在更新时都会在其工作区中本地查看。 更新: 如果你想使用分支版本,假设你有 $ /.../Customer1/Libs/LibA 和 $ / ... / Customer2 / Libs / LibA $ p $ b $ / ... / Libs / LibA 改为 $ p Active $ / ... / Libs / LibA C:\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ >到 活动$ / ... / Customer1 / Libs / LibA C:\..\YourProject\Libs 所有东西都应该和本地文件夹没有变化的地方一样。 I'm currently evaluating TFS 2010 for use in our development team as the source control solution instead of Git. We're a Microsoft shop, dipping our fingers into Sharepoint and Project Server anyway so it would be nice to have it all running in one platform.My problem starts with this...In Git, we have a development model that sees our Company's OWN re-usable code-base stored in a separate repository. Each client solution also has its own repository and a sub-module (extern for SVN-junkies) linking it to our common library. In order to allow for developers to add functionality to our common library as they go, we set up a tracked branch for each sub-module and merge the bits of functionality into our common-library as they are finalised.So (in a kickback to old ascii art) a rough representation of our Git set up would be... Common-Library::(branch) -----> (submodule)::Client-Solution ^ | |-----------------This structure is very important to our effectiveness. It allows developers to update our common libraries in context, in solution, at the same time as they develop their client solutions. More importantly, it allows newly developed functionality to find its way back into our common library in a requirements driven, organic manner by merging from the client branch back into the master and into other client solutions.My problem is that I really want to use TFS 2010 for all the other workflow good stuff, but I'm having a hard time getting my head around how such a model could fit into its Source Control capability. It seems pretty stand-alone. So far, I can't find anything describing how to set up external references such as 'submodule'.Does TFS 2010 have such a capability?Perhaps my understanding of TFS 2010's model is falling short?How would you set up a shared common library model in TFS 2010? 解决方案 If I understand you correctly, you can map this in your local workspaces if you have say:$/.../Projects/YourProjectand$/.../Libs/LibAYou can set your local workspace toStatus Source Control Folder Local FolderActive $/.../Projects/YourProject C:\..\YourProjectActive $/.../Libs/LibA C:\..\YourProject\LibsSo your libraries can exist anywhere in your TFS project, but locally they will be available in a reasonable location for you to add to your solution. Any changes you make can then be saved correctly in the respository, and anyone else working using those shared projects will see it locally in their workspace when it's updated.Update:If you want to use branched version, say you have $/.../Customer1/Libs/LibAand $/.../Customer2/Libs/LibABoth are branched off$/.../Libs/LibAIf you're doing work for Customer1, then you change your mapping fromActive $/.../Libs/LibA C:\..\YourProject\LibstoActive $/.../Customer1/Libs/LibA C:\..\YourProject\LibsEverything should still be in the same place as the Local Folder hasn't changed.(tbh, this isn't an brilliant example, but I hope it makes it a bit clearer or gives you some ideas!) 这篇关于我如何在TFS 2010中为“中央图书馆”建模?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 1403页,肝出来的..
09-07 20:13