本文介绍了Sql Server中分组行的平均值的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个Sql Server表.它是这样的:

I have an Sql Server Table.. it's something like this:

Id ...... Column1 ...... Column2  
1 ........ 1 ............. 34  
2 ........ 1 ............. 44  
3 ........ 2 ............. 45  
4 ........ 2 ............. 36  
5 ........ 2 ............. 23  
6 ........ 3 ............. 68  
7 ........ 3 ............. 26  


So, I need to select the average of Column2,but group with column1 before doing that.
I mean, if I say Avg(Column2) it just returns a single row with the average of all rows.

第2列的平均值,其中第1列= 1
第2列的平均值,其中第1列= 2
第2列的平均值,其中第1列= 3

What I need is, first i need to group them by column so:
Average of column2 where column1 = 1
Average of column2 where column1 = 2
Average of column2 where column1 = 3


So I want 3 rows returned with the averages of respective values of column1. I am lost at doing this, any hints / help please?


ps: I tried several related questions, and none of them helped / I couldn't understand.



select column1, avg(column2) from table group by column1

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09-17 22:06