


是否有一种方法可以限制磁盘上表的临时表最大大小 ,以便该表不会过度占用磁盘? tmp_table_size 仅适用于内存中表,尽管有名字.我没有在文档.

在 MariaDB 和 MySQL 中没有这个选项.几个月前,我遇到了与您相同的问题,我进行了很多搜索,最终在NAS上为它们的主要数据集创建了一个特殊的存储区域,从而部分解决了该问题.

在NAS上或内部HDD上的分区上创建一个文件夹,根据定义,它的大小将受到限制,然后将其安装,然后在mysql ini中,将临时存储分配给该驱动器:(选择Windows/Linux)

  tmpdir ="mnt/DBtmp/"tmpdir ="T:\" 



I have largish (InnoDB) tables in a database; apparently the users are capable of making SELECTs with JOINs that result in temporary, large (and thus on-disk) tables. Sometimes, those are so large that they exhaust disk space, leading to all sorts of weird issues.

Is there a way to limit temp table maximum size for an on-disk table, so that the table doesn't overgrow the disk? tmp_table_size only applies to in-memory tables, despite the name. I haven't found anything relevant in the documentation.


There's no option for this in MariaDB and MySQL. I ran into the same issue as you some months ago, I searched a lot and I finally partially solved it by creating a special storage area on the NAS for themporary datasets.

Create a folder on your NAS or a partition on an internal HDD, it will be by definition limited in size, then mount it, and in the mysql ini, assign the temporary storage to this drive: (choose either windows/linux)


mysql service should be restarted after this change.

With this approach, once the drive is full, you still have "weird issues" with on-disk queries, but the other issues are gone.


10-24 06:33