

为什么下面的代码在Visual Studio和GCC上都崩溃?

要使其崩溃,它需要基于范围的for循环,std :: map,std :: string并引用该字符串。如果我删除其中任何一个,它将起作用。

  #include< iostream> 
#include< string>
#include< map>

map< string,string> m;

m [ key] = b;

const string& func()const
return m.find( key)-> second;

int main()
cout<< C;




范围初始化行 for(:)循环的使用不会延长除 final 临时(如果有)之外的任何内容的生命周期。在 for(:)循环执行之前,所有其他临时对象都将被丢弃。


代码 for(auto x:exp){/ *代码* /} 基本上扩展为:

auto&& __range = exp;
auto __it = std :: begin(__ range);
auto __end = std :: end(__ range);
for(; __it!= __ end; ++ __ it){
auto x = * __ it;
/ *代码* /

__ it __ end 行以及所有以 __开头的变量没有可见的名称。我还展示了C ++ 17版本,因为我相信世界会更好,这里的区别也无所谓。)

您的 exp 创建一个临时对象,然后在其中返回对它的引用。临时模板在该行之后消失,因此其余代码中都有悬挂的引用。


  std :: string const& func()const& //注意& 
return m.find( key)-> second;
std :: string func()&& //注意&&
return std :: move(m.find( key)-> second);;



 自动&& __range = exp; 



附录:等待,&& const& 之后的方法? ?

C ++ 11添加了右值引用。但是函数的 this 或self参数是特殊的。要根据所调用对象的右值/左值性选择方法的重载,可以使用& && 在方法结束之后。

这与函数的参数类型非常相似。方法后的&&指出应仅在非常量值上调用该方法; const& 表示应为常量左值调用它。不完全匹配的事物遵循通常的优先规则。

当您有一种将引用返回到对象的方法时,请确保使用<$捕获临时对象c $ c>& 重载,或者在这种情况下不返回引用(返回值),或者 = delete 方法。

Why does the following code crash both on Visual Studio and GCC?

For it to crash it requires the range-based for loop, std::map, std::string and taking a reference to the string. If I remove any one of them it will work.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <map>
using namespace std;

struct S
    map<string, string> m;

        m["key"] = "b";

    const string &func() const
        return m.find("key")->second;

int main()
    for (char c : S().func())
        cout << c;

    return 0;

Ideone link: http://ideone.com/IBmhDH


The range initialization line of a for(:) loop does not extend lifetime of anything but the final temporary (if any). Any other temporaries are discarded prior to the for(:) loop executing.

Now, do not despair; there is an easy fix to this problem. But first a walk through of what is going wrong.

The code for(auto x:exp){ /* code */ } expands to, basically:

  auto&& __range=exp;
  auto __it=std::begin(__range);
  auto __end=std::end(__range);
  for(; __it!=__end;++__it){
    auto x=*__it;
    /* code */

(With a modest lies on the __it and __end lines, and all variables starting with __ have no visible name. Also I am showing C++17 version, because I believe in a better world, and the differences do not matter here.)

Your exp creates a temporary object, then returns a reference to within it. The temporary dies after that line, so you have a dangling reference in the rest of the code.

Fixing it is relatively easy. To fix it:

std::string const& func() const& // notice &
    return m.find("key")->second;
std::string func() && // notice &&
    return std::move(m.find("key")->second);

do rvalue overloads and return moved-into values by value when consuming temporaries instead of returning references into them.

Then the

auto&& __range=exp;

line does reference lifetime extension on the by-value returned string, and no more dangling references.

As a general rule, never return a range by reference to a parameter that could be an rvalue.

Appendix: Wait, && and const& after methods? rvalue references to *this?

C++11 added rvalue references. But the this or self parameter to functions is special. To select which overload of a method based on the rvalue/lvalue-ness of the object being invoked, you can use & or && after the end of the method.

This works much like the type of a parameter to a function. && after the method states that the method should be called only on non-const rvalues; const& means it should be called for constant lvalues. Things that don't exactly match follow the usual precidence rules.

When you have a method that returns a reference into an object, make sure you catch temporaries with a && overload and either don't return a reference in those cases (return a value), or =delete the method.


09-24 13:46