


On my web page, there is a variable called $submission. I would like to display exactly 11 rows from the query below: the row where $submission equals $row["title"], 5 rows above it, and 5 rows below it. All ranked by points descending.


$sqlStr = "SELECT title, points, submissionid
             FROM submission 
         ORDER BY points DESC"; 

$result = mysql_query($sqlStr);

$arr = array();


echo "<table class=\"samplesrec\">";

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { 

    echo '<tr >';

    echo '<td>'.$count++.'.</td>';

    echo '<td class="sitename1">'.$row["title"].'</td>';

    echo '<td class="sitename2"><div class="pointlink2">'.number_format($row["points"]).'</div></td>';
    echo '</tr>';


echo "</table>";



This is a little tricky if several rows share the same value for "points":

points | title | submissionid
------ + ----- + ------------
   50  | 'foo' | ABCD01234     <-- If (50, 'foo') is the "midpoint" record,
   50  | 'bar' | EF7654321     <-- does (50, 'bar') come before or after?


In this case, we need to impose an order. For convenience we're going to order by "points" descending and then "title" descending.

假设您的中点记录"的点值为"@points",标题为"@title",那么我们说中点之前"的记录是其(点,标题)>( @ points,@ title).类似地,在中点之后"的那些记录具有其(点,标题)<. (@ points,@ title).

Assuming your "midpoint record" has a points value of '@points' and a title '@title', we'll say the records that come "before" the midpoint are those records whose (points, title) > (@points, @title). Similarly, those records "after" the midpoint have their (points, title) < (@points, @title).


Putting it together, we have:

-- First, initialize user variables with the points and
-- title of our midpoint (including midpoint)
SELECT @title := title,
       @points := points
  FROM submission
 WHERE title = ?          -- bind your $submission variable bere

-- Now, select six records greater than or equal to our
-- midpoint.
  SELECT title, points, submissionid
        FROM (  SELECT title, points, submissionid
                  FROM submission
                 WHERE (points, title) >= (@points, @title)
              ORDER BY points ASC, title ASC
                 LIMIT 6) gte
-- and UNION those records with five records less than
-- our midpoint
  SELECT title, points, submissionid
        FROM (  SELECT title, points, submissionid
                  FROM submission
                 WHERE (points, title) < (@points, @title)
              ORDER BY points DESC, title DESC
                 LIMIT 5) lt
-- Finally sort the result set
ORDER BY points DESC, title DESC


10-20 21:52