

clang和GCC具有int __builtin_ctz(unsigned)函数.这将以整数形式计算尾随零. 有关此功能族的Wikipedia文章提到可以使用以下命令加速二进制GCD算法__builtin_ctz,但我不知道如何.

clang and GCC have a int __builtin_ctz(unsigned) function. This counts the trailing zeros in an integer. The Wikipedia article on this family of functions mentions that the binary GCD algorithm can be sped up using __builtin_ctz, but I don't understand how.


unsigned int gcd(unsigned int u, unsigned int v)
    // simple cases (termination)
    if (u == v)
        return u;

    if (u == 0)
        return v;

    if (v == 0)
        return u;

    // look for factors of 2
    if (~u & 1) // u is even
        if (v & 1) // v is odd
            return gcd(u >> 1, v);
        else // both u and v are even
            return gcd(u >> 1, v >> 1) << 1;

    if (~v & 1) // u is odd, v is even
        return gcd(u, v >> 1);

    // reduce larger argument
    if (u > v)
        return gcd(u - v, v);

    return gcd(v - u, u);


My suspicion is that I could use __builtin_ctz as follows:

constexpr unsigned int gcd(unsigned int u, unsigned int v)
    // simplified first three ifs
    if (u == v || u == 0 || v == 0)
        return u | v;

    unsigned ushift = __builtin_ctz(u);
    u >>= ushift;

    unsigned vshift = __builtin_ctz(v);
    v >>= vshift;

    // Note sure if max is the right approach here.
    // In the if-else block you can see both arguments being rshifted
    // and the result being leftshifted only once.
    // I expected to recreate this behavior using max.
    unsigned maxshift = std::max(ushift, vshift);

    // The only case which was not handled in the if-else block before was
    // the odd/odd case.
    // We can detect this case using the maximum shift.
    if (maxshift != 0) {
        return gcd(u, v) << maxshift;

    return (u > v) ? gcd(u - v, v) : gcd(v - u, u);

int main() {
    constexpr unsigned result = gcd(5, 3);
    return result;

不幸的是,这还行不通.该程序的结果为4,应为1.那么,我在做什么错呢?如何在这里正确使用__builtin_ctz? 在GodBolt上查看到目前为止的代码.

Unfortunately this does not work yet. The program results in 4, when it should be 1. So what am I doing wrong? How can I use __builtin_ctz correctly here? See my code so far on GodBolt.



尽管尾部递归算法通常很优雅,但是迭代实现在实践中几乎总是更快. (现代编译器实际上可以在非常简单的情况下执行此转换.)

While tail-recursive algorithms are often elegant, iterative implementations are almost always faster in practice. (Modern compilers can actually perform this transform in very simple cases.)

unsigned ugcd (unsigned u, unsigned v)
    unsigned t = u | v;

    if (u == 0 || v == 0)
        return t; /* return (v) or (u), resp. */

    int g = __builtin_ctz(t);

    while (u != 0)
        u >>= __builtin_ctz(u);
        v >>= __builtin_ctz(v);

        if (u >= v)
            u = (u - v) / 2;
            v = (v - u) / 2;

    return (v << g); /* scale by common factor. */

如前所述,|u - v| / 2步骤通常实现为非常有效的无条件右移,例如 shr r32 ,以除以(2)-同时为(u)(v)是奇数,因此|u - v|必须是偶数.

As mentioned, the |u - v| / 2 step is typically implemented as a very efficient, unconditional right shift, e.g., shr r32, to divide by (2) - as both (u), (v) are odd, and therefore |u - v| must be even.

这不是严格的必要,因为整理"步骤:u >>= __builtin_clz(u);将在下一次迭代中有效地执行此操作.

It's not strictly necessary, as the 'oddifying' step: u >>= __builtin_clz(u); will effectively perform this operation in the next iteration.

假设(u)(v)具有随机"位分布,则(n)通过 tzcnt 尾随零的概率为〜(1/(2^n)).该说明是对 bsf (IIRC的Haswell之前的__builtin_clz的实现)的改进.

Supposing that (u) or (v) have a 'random' bit distribution, the probability of (n) trailing zeroes, via tzcnt, is ~ (1/(2^n)). This instruction is an improvement over bsf, the implementation for __builtin_clz prior to Haswell, IIRC.
