我想知道是否可以使用OpenXML SDK
I was wondering if it is possible to find the coordinates of a specific Run
(text, no drawing or other elements that have offset parameter) on a page in a Word document using OpenXML SDK
. I know that OpenXML is basically .. well XML, and simple runs have no relative, numerical position embedded in them.
我正在阅读OpenXML SDK API,没有发现任何线索,但是也许我错过了一些东西.坐标是指如果我会在页面外生成图像的情况下可以映射到像素的任何元组(假设您制作了页面的屏幕截图)
I was reading through OpenXML SDK API and found no clues but maybe I have missed something. By coordinates I mean any tuple that can be mapped to pixels if I would generated an image out of the page (imagine you made a screenshot of page)
I suspect, if this is possible, it is not trivial.
Open XML SDK不包含此功能.这将需要一个布局引擎,它不是SDK的一部分.
The Open XML SDK does not include this functionality. This would require a layout engine, which is not part of the SDK.