我在网站上使用网络应用程序,当我点击使用齿轮找到我的位置。该应用程序将返回我当前的位置(大致的城市位置)与给定英里半径内的各种设施。为了进一步了解这是如何工作的,我打开了wireshark,我注意到POST请求发送到www.google.com/loc/json。然后,谷歌服务器以200 OK和JSON格式的位置数据进行响应。我理解这部分。下一步是我不明白的。显然,在Rummble应用程序接收到位置数据(lat,long,address等)之后,它会使用GET请求将此信息发送到另一个服务器上的某个api,该服务器获取给定英里半径内的各种设施。我所做的只是点击,使用齿轮找到我的位置。我会合理地期望应用程序只返回我的位置,但它不仅仅会返回应用程序中的任何其他按钮。有人可以解释这是怎么发生的?有没有一个脚本,使这发生?我希望我能更好地解释我的情况。
I'm using the web application at http://m.rummble.com website and when I click find my location using gears. The application returns my current location (approximate city location) with various establishments in a given mile radius. To further understand how this works, I opened up wireshark and what I notice is that a POST request is sent to www.google.com/loc/json. Then the google server responds with 200 OK and location data in JSON format. I understand this part. The next step is what I don't understand. Apparently after the rummble application receives the location data (lat, long, address, etc.) it sends this information using a GET request to some api on another server that acquires the various establishments in a given mile radius. All I did was click, find my location using gears. I would reasonably expect the application to just return my location but it's returning more than that without clicking any other buttons in the application. Can someone explain how this happens? Is there a script that makes this happen? I hope I explained my situation better.
alt text http://img211.imageshack.us/img211/1236/examplel.jpg
无论出于何种原因,rummble.com在我的机器上不会查询 navigator.getlocation
For whatever reason, rummble.com isn't querying navigator.getlocation
on my machine, so I can't confirm your report myself.
然而, ,当您点击以允许rummble.com从Gears获取您的位置时,您将该位置信息交给rummble.com网站。然后,该网站可以随意使用它 - 这些信息会返回到运行在浏览器上的一段Javascript代码,在这种情况下,听起来像那段JavaScript正在使用您的位置信息来加载附近列表餐馆。
However, when you click to allow rummble.com to get your location from Gears, you're handing over that location information to the rummble.com website. That website is then free to do with it as it wants -- the information is returned to a piece of Javascript running on the browser, and in this case it sounds like that piece of Javascript is using your location information to load a list of nearby restaurants.
You might very reasonably be worried about this. What if rummble were sending your name and location information to an advertiser or to the government? How long are they storing your precise location information? You should consider these implications before giving permission to share your location with a website.