

我正在尝试实施OpenSimplex Noise https://gist.github.com/digitalshadow/134a3a02b67cecd72181 ,但是出现错误'MethodImplOptions'不包含'AggressiveInlining'的定义".

I was trying to implement OpenSimplex Noise https://gist.github.com/digitalshadow/134a3a02b67cecd72181 in my game, but I'm getting the error "'MethodImplOptions' does not contain a definition for 'AggressiveInlining'".

[ MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    private static int FastFloor(double x)
        var xi = (int)x;
        return x < xi ? xi - 1 : xi;

是的,我使用System.Runtime.CompilerServices; 包含了.现在,老实说,我不知道内联是如何工作的,所以我什至不知道对于Unity中的程序来说是否有必要.如果我不需要它,我想知道该用什么.预先感谢.

Yes, I included using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;. Now, I'll be perfectly honest, I don't know how inlining works, so I don't even know if it's necessary for a program in Unity. If I don't need it, I would like to know what to use instead. Thanks in advance.


MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining 枚举不存在,因为在Unity的 .NET 4.5 中添加了此功能仍在使用 .NET 2.0/3.5 .

The MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining enum does not exist because this feature was added in .NET 4.5 while Unity is still using .NET 2.0/3.5.


It's not necessary but it seems to speed up function calling. You can see a speed test here.

您可以使用 [MethodImpl(256)] 代替 MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining .那也应该工作.

You can use [MethodImpl(256)] instead of MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining. That should work too.

在下面查看 MethodImplOptions 枚举的源代码:

Look at the source code for the MethodImplOptions enum below:

public enum MethodImplOptions {
        Unmanaged = 4,
        ForwardRef = 16,
        InternalCall = 4096,
        Synchronized = 32,
        NoInlining = 8,
        PreserveSig = 128,
        NoOptimization = 64,
#if NET_4_5
        AggressiveInlining  = 256,
    } // MethodImplOptions

如您所见, AggressiveInlining 的值为 256 .当您使用 MethodImplAttribute 使用 int 参数进行构造重载,您基本上可以使用任何不存在的 enum 值.传递 256 应该可以在任何.NET版本上为您提供 AggressiveInlining .新的枚举值仅仅是为了使它更容易记住/使用而已.

As you can see, AggressiveInlining has a value of 256. When you use the MethodImplAttribute construction overload with the int parameter, you can essentially use any enum value that does not exist. Passing it 256 should give you AggressiveInlining on any .NET version. The new enum value is simply there to make it easier to remember/use.


Another source is from Unity Engineer:


05-27 05:24