

我刚刚更新到Hibernate 4.0,并看到警告消息:

I have just updated to Hibernate 4.0 and am seeing the warning message :

HHH000387: ResultSet's statement was not registered


in my log files. What does this mean, and should I be worried?


此日志消息是ResultSet.getStatement()不返回最初要求创建ResultSetStatement的标志. (这也可能表示内存泄漏.)使用JDBC包装器时可能会发生这种情况,因为有两个Statement对象:包装器/装饰器和基础的Statement.

This log message is a sign that ResultSet.getStatement() doesn't return the Statement which was originally asked to create the ResultSet. (It may also indicate a memory leak.) This can happen when using a JDBC wrapper, because there are two Statement objects: a wrapper/decorator and the underlying Statement.


In my project, I have my own JDBC wrapper for testing. I fixed this warning in my ResultSet wrapper by ensuring that getStatement() returns the original Statement proxy (not a new proxy), rather than delegating to the underlying ResultSet (which would return the underlying Statement).

任何产生类似警告的JDBC包装器都可能使用类似的修复程序. (类似的问题和修复可能适用于方法Statement.getConnection().)

Any JDBC wrapper which is producing similar warnings could probably use a similar fix. (A similar problem and fix may apply to the method Statement.getConnection().)

顺便说一下,这里有一个针对此日志记录的错误报告: https://hibernate. atlassian.net/browse/HHH-8210

By the way, there is a bug report for this logging here: https://hibernate.atlassian.net/browse/HHH-8210


05-27 04:48