在Firefox 3.5中,我在Firebug控制台中输入:
In Firefox 3.5, I type this in the Firebug console :
false=={} // => evals to false
{}==false // syntax error
at the start of a statement signals a ‘statement block’ (see ECMA-262-3 section 12.1), which contains a list of statements.
immediately ends the statement block with no statements in it. That's fine. But now the parser is looking for the next statement:
Huh? That's not a statement; syntax error.
What are statement blocks for? Well, you are writing a statement block every time you say:
if (something) {
JavaScript defines these flow-control statements as:
if "(" <expression> ")" <statement> [else <statement>]
ie. in the single statement form with no braces. It then allows you to use a statement-block anywhere you can use a single statement, which means you can have if-braces-many-statements. But it also means you can have a statement-block on its own with no associated flow-control statement.
This serves absolutely no practical purpose! You might be tempted to think it gave you information-hiding, but no:
var a= 1;
var a= 2;
...结果 2
...results in 2
, because statement blocks don't in themselves create a new scope.
JavaScript以这种方式定义流控制和语句块,因为C(以及从中派生的其他语言)可以。这些语言没有使 {}
JavaScript defines flow control and statement blocks in this manner because C (and other languages derived from it) did. Those languages didn't make {}
serve double-duty as an Object literal expression though, so they didn't have the ambiguity that makes this another JS misfeature.
即使这个想法 - 文字:
Even this wannabe-literal:
a: 1
是一个有效的语句块,因为':'用于表示标签一份声明。 (和 1
is a valid statement block, because ‘:’ is used to denote a label in a statement. (and 1
is a useless expression-statement, with the semicolon omitted.) Labels are another feature inherited from C that are rarely used in JavaScript. They're not totally pointless like the blocks, but they're seldom needed and often considered in poor taste.
(A literal with two properties will cause a syntax error, as object literals use comma separators, but labelled statements must be separated by semicolons.)
This is not the only place where JavaScript's loose syntax can trip you up by making some other statement of something you think is an expression.
这篇关于JavaScript:{} == false是一个SyntaxError?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!