本文介绍了如何在ASP.net MVC中的代码优先方法中重命名主键列?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I am using EF code first approach. I need to rename my PK column name.

 public class classname
    public int OldId { get; set; }


I need to change OldId to NewId. I tried renaming my OldId to NewId, I tried updating my database with Migration but that didn't help.I tried renaming both in column name and model and again when I tried to update my database I still get error.How can I rename my primary Key column without losing its data?



Is the question that OldId is not used in your code anymore but is still in your database, or is your problem that it OldId is in your code but has a different column name in your database?

如果要告诉实体框架,您的 DbSet 中的属性名称在数据库中具有不同的列名称,则可以使用流利的API或数据批注:

You can use fluent API or data annotations if you want to tell entity framework that the name of property in your DbSet has a different column name in the database:


public class MyDbContext : DbContext
    public DbSet<ClassName> ClassNames {get; set;}

    protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
         // Tell entity framework that you are now building ClassName:
         var classNameConfig = modelBuilder.Entity<ClassName>();

         // ClassName has an int primary key in OldId:
         classNameConfig.HasKey(className => className.OldId);

         // "columnX" in the database corresponds with property OldId
         classNameConfig.Property(className => className.OldId)


Of course in this specific example this can be concatenated into one statement.

关于Fluent API的好处是,您可以将类与实际的数据库表示形式断开连接.这向DbSet的用户隐藏了实际数据库如何命名其列,列顺序,最小大小,最大大小等.

The nice thing about fluent API is that you disconnect your classes from the actual database representation. This hides how the actual database names its columns, column order, min size, max size etc from the user of the DbSets.


Just specify a different DbContext, and you can use the same classes with a different Db.


For instance, if you want to use the same entity framework classes in different databases:

class BaseContext : DbContext
    public DbSet<MyClass> MyClasses {get; set;}

// context to be used with database X:
class DataBaseXContext : BaseContext
     protected override void OnModelCreating(
DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
         // I want to use "columnX" for property A, which is optional:
             .Property(p => p.A)

// context to be used with database Y:
class DataBaseXContext : BaseContext
     protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
         // I want to use "columnY" for property A, which is required:
             .Property(p => p.A)



If you are absolutely sure you want your classes to be used in only one database, with one pre-defined model, you could use Data Annotations.


However, your question shows that it is not uncommon that the same classes will be used in a different database model. So, although this method is very commonly used, I urge you to reconsider a decision to use Data Annotations.

public class classname
     public int OldId { get; set; }

这篇关于如何在ASP.net MVC中的代码优先方法中重命名主键列?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-30 03:06