


Recently I have been learning about WMI and WQL. I found out the list of Win32 classes (from MSDN) that I can query for but I am not able to find out the list of event classes (should be the subset of the list of Win32 classes isn't it ?) Does any one have a list or some kind of cheat sheet for this? I am jsut asking this out of curiosity.

示例事件类 - Win32_ProcessStartTrace



Here's how to list WMI event classes in the root\cimv2 namespace with C# and System.Management:

using System;
using System.Management;

class Program
    static void Main()
        string query =
            @"Select * From Meta_Class Where __This Isa '__Event'";

        ManagementObjectSearcher searcher =
            new ManagementObjectSearcher(query);

        foreach (ManagementBaseObject cimv2Class in searcher.Get())

root\cimv2是默认WMI命名空间,所以你不必使用管理范围的实例。传递给ManagementObjectSearcher WQL查询是一个WMI元数据查询。它采用Meta_Class指定查询作为架构查询,而__This属性递归列出__event子类(见的和的)。

root\cimv2 is the default WMI namespace so you don't have to use a ManagementScope instance. The WQL query passed to ManagementObjectSearcher is a WMI metadata query. It uses "Meta_Class" to designate the query as a schema query, and "__This" property to recursively list __Event subclasses (see here and here).WMI class is an event class if its provider implemented as an event WMI provider and must be a subclass of __Event. This doesn't mean that you can't use 'ordinary' WMI classes like Win32_Process and Win32_Service in WQL event queries. You just have to use one of the __InstanceOperationEvent derived helper classes like __InstanceCreationEvent or __InstanceDeletionEvent, and WMI will use its own event subsystem to deliver events. Here is a sample WQL query that subscribes to Win32_Process creation events:

SELECT * FROM __InstanceCreationEvent在5哪里TargetInstance伊萨Win32_Process的'。

"Select * From __InstanceCreationEvent Within 5 Where TargetInstance Isa 'Win32_Process'"


In this case you have to use the Within clause


10-31 17:56