根据先决条件的打包方式(MSI或EXE),如果不使用自定义操作或引导程序将搜索目标系统中的prereq并进行安装,则MSI可能无法直接安装prereq.在目标系统上不存在.顺便说一句,除了我几年来一直是付费客户外,我与Advanced Installer没有任何隶属关系.除了可靠的产品外,他们的服务也非常出色.I have created a .msi in visual studio 2008 containing my project and it requires prerequisite third party software to run including WinZip. I have had a look round and from what I've seen, there's a prerequisite window where you can select programs like .NET framework. I have also had a look at writing a bootstrapper to check whether the third party prerequisites have been installed on the machine but I've hit a brick wall. Any other suggestions or some advice on how to do this would be very helpful.Thanks 解决方案 As Ramhound suggested in his comment, have a look at the commercial products to author your installer. Several, including my personal favorite Advanced Installer, offer free versions of the tool that may satisfy your initial requirements.Depending upon how the prerequisites are packaged (MSI or EXE) your MSI might not directly be able to install the prereq without the use of a custom action or a bootstrapper that would search the target system for the prereq and install it if it not present on the target system.As an aside, I have no affiliation with Advanced Installer other than the fact that I've been a paying customer for a few years now. In addition to a solid product their service is excellent as well. 这篇关于如何在C#MSI上安装第三方必备组件的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-24 18:03