


In the following Haskell code, how to force main thread to wait till all its child threads finish.

在此链接的终止程序"部分中,我无法使用forkFinally:( http://hackage.haskell.org/package/base- ).

I could not able to use forkFinally as given in the section "Terminating the Program" here in this link: (http://hackage.haskell.org/package/base-


I get desired result when using TMVar. But I want to do this with TVar.Please help.

module Main
import Control.Monad
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM

type TInt = TVar Int

transTest :: TInt -> Int -> IO ()
transTest n t = do
    atomically $ do
        t1 <- readTVar n
        doSomeJob t
        t2 <- readTVar n
        writeTVar n t

doSomeJob :: Int -> STM ()
doSomeJob t = do
    x <- newTVar 0
    let l = 10^6*t
    forM_ [1..l] (\i -> do
        writeTVar x i )

main :: IO ()
main = do
    n <- newTVarIO 0

    let v = 5
    forkIO (transTest n v)

    let v = 3
    forkIO (transTest n v)

    let v = 7
    forkIO (transTest n v)

    let v = 1
    forkIO (transTest n v)

    r <- atomically $ readTVar n
    putStrLn("Last updated value = " ++ (show r))



What I did in the past was to create a little MVar for each forked thread and then use forkFinally to fork the threads such that at the very end, each thread would put a dummy value into the MVar (i.e. I used the MVar as a synchronisation primitive). I could then call takeMVar on those MVars to wait.


I wrapped it into a little helper function:

forkThread :: IO () -> IO (MVar ())
forkThread proc = do
    handle <- newEmptyMVar
    _ <- forkFinally proc (\_ -> putMVar handle ())
    return handle


Using this, your code could be changed to something like

-- Fork four threads
threads <- forM [5, 3, 7, 1] (\v -> forkThread (transTest n v))

-- Wait for all of them
mapM_ takeMVar threads

但是,那是在我读了西蒙·马洛(Simon Marlow)的(最出色的)《并行和并行编程在Haskell》一书之前,这使我意识到了 async 软件包.该软件包提供了一种抽象方法,该方法不仅可以处理所有这些事情,所以您只需编写

However, that was before I read the (most excellent) book "Parallel and Concurrent Programming in Haskell" by Simon Marlow, which made me aware of the async package. The package provides an abstraction which not only takes care of all these things, so you can write just

-- Runs 'transTest n {5,3,7,1}' in parallel and waits for all threads
_ <- mapConcurrently (transTest n) [5, 3, 7, 1]


...it also takes care of things such as (asynchronous) exceptions.


09-01 18:43