![SceneKit SceneKit]()
本文介绍了SceneKit降至40 FPS的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 很多时候,当我从顶部刷回iOS通知并返回应用程序时, SceneKit fps会降至40.有时它也会在最小化和最大化应用后发生。怎么来的?这可以以某种方式克服吗?当应用程序变为非活动状态时,我尝试暂停 SceneKit ,并在它恢复时恢复,但这没有帮助。Many times when I swipe iOS notifications from the top, and back to the app, then SceneKit fps drops to 40. Sometimes it happens also after minimising and maximising app. How come? Can this be overcome somehow? I tried pausing SceneKit when app becomes inactive, and resuming when it's back, but this is not helping.推荐答案我也注意到了这一点。在几个不同的框架中,使用常量框架刷新或作为其演示过程的一部分与CADisplayLink绑定。 I've noticed this, too. In several different frameworks that use constant frame refreshing or are tied to the CADisplayLink as part of their presentation process. 我怀疑,但从来没有能够确认,iOS正在轮询帧刷新应用程序启动时的性能,当它们处于非活动状态时,以及它们何时出现在被系统功能遮挡之后重新显示 - 比如通知 - 并根据轮询结果限制到一个估计的速率而没有打嗝。I suspect, but have never been able to confirm, iOS is polling the performance of frame refreshing apps when they start, when they come out of inactive states, and when they're re-revealed after being obscured by system functions - like the notifications - and throttling to a guestimated rate without hiccups based on the polling results.你可以阅读更多关于我之前对此事的想法是: 低fps的SpriteKit场景开始 You can read more about my earlier thoughts on the matter here:SpriteKit scene with low fps on start此处: SceneKit帧速率不一致 关于SpriteKit的类似经历有很多评论,你可以在这里阅读: https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/14487 There are many comments on similar experiences in SpriteKit, you can read here: https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/14487所以它不仅仅是SceneKit,并且没有明显的答案,问题在程度和性质上因iOS版本而异,但已潜伏多年。So it's not just SceneKit, and there's no apparent answer, and the problem varies in extent and nature between iOS versions, but has been lurking for many years. 这篇关于SceneKit降至40 FPS的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 09-26 14:26