

我试图用MASM指令来实现MASM下面的C code:

I am trying to implement the following c code in MASM using MASM directives:

if ( a > b )
    a = a - 1;
    if ( b >= c )
        b = b − 2;
        if ( c > d)
            c = c + d;
            d = d / 2;


.if (a > b)
sub a, 1
.elseif b >= c1
sub b, 2
.elseif c1 > d
add c1, d
mov eax, d
mov ebx, 2
idiv ebx
mov d, eax


I feel like my logic is sound yet no matter what I change around to keep it intact I am getting errors. I am sure I have misunderstood something, but don't unsure about what.


首先,因为你只有一个开口。如果,你只需要一个 .endif注意。其次,至少在 A B C1 ,和 D 都是正常的内存操作数,你有大部分指令不能使用两个内存操作数(直接)的一个问题。对于典型的比较,操作数的至少一个最多可以在寄存器中。

First of all, since you have only one opening .if, you only need one .endif. Second, at least if a, b, c1, and d are normal memory operands, you have a problem that most instructions can't use two memory operands (directly). For your typical comparisons, at least one of the operands most be in a register.

顺便说一句,我也缩进。如果(等等)code,就像你通常会code在一个更高层次的语言。至少通常情况下,我还用而不是子X,1 ,大概 SHR 而不是 IDIV 来除以2。

As an aside, I'd also indent .if (and such) code just like you normally would code in a higher level language. At least normally, I'd also use dec instead of sub x, 1, and probably shr instead of idiv to divide by 2.


Taking all of the above into account, you end up with something like this:

.model flat, c
    a dd ?
    b dd ?
    c1 dd ?
    d dd ?

junk proc
     mov eax, a
     mov ebx, b
     mov ecx, c1
     mov edx, d

    .if eax > ebx
        dec a
    .elseif ebx >= ecx
        sub b, 2
    .elseif ecx > edx
        add ecx, edx
        mov c1, ecx
        shr edx, 1
        mov d, edx
junk endp



This assembles just fine, at least for me.


10-11 12:53