


I am trying to cut specific parts out from a video and then merge all those parts into a single video file using nodejs and ffmpeg.

这是我的代码,目前我只能将视频中的一部分从 .setStartTime 剪切为 .setDuration ,并且正在保存该部分.

Here's my code and currently I can cut only one part out of the video from .setStartTime to .setDuration and that part is being saved.

var ffmpeg = require('fluent-ffmpeg');

var command = ffmpeg()

  .on('start', function(commandLine) {
    console.log('Started: ' + commandLine);

  .on('end', function(err) {
      console.log('conversion Done');

  .on('error', function(err){
    console.log('error: ', +err);

如何从视频中切出多个部分并将它们合并到一个视频文件中.我知道 .mergeToFile 方法,但是在从视频中剪切不同部分后如何使用它.

How do I cut out multiple parts out from the video and merge them in a single video file. I know about .mergeToFile method but how do I use it after cutting different parts from my video.

我尝试使用 .setStartTime .setDuration 两次,如下所示,但第一个被忽略了.

I tried using .setStartTime and .setDuration twice like below but the first one's are being ignored.





Could not test it yet, but try following:Set the input video two times, like this:


然后,您可以使用 .mergeToFile 合并多个输入.

Then you can merge the multiple inputs with .mergeToFile.


由于 .setDuration 的限制,我的答案无法正常工作.它是一个输出选项,因此它定义了对输出文件进行代码转换的时间: https://github.com/fluent-ffmpeg/node-fluent-ffmpeg 它不用于定义输入的长度/持续时间.

My answer cannot work due to restriction of .setDuration. It is an output option, so it defines how long transcoding to the output file is done: https://github.com/fluent-ffmpeg/node-fluent-ffmpegIt is not used to define the length/duration of the input.

另一个选项是 .loop ,但显然不支持此目的:

Another option would be .loop, but apparently it is not supported for this purpose: https://video.stackexchange.com/questions/12905/repeat-loop-input-video-with-ffmpeg/12906#12906


If you really want to use nodejs, you need multiple commands

  • 将输入视频剪切为临时文件,每次剪切为一个
  • 将临时文件合并到一个输出文件


var command1 = ffmpeg()

var command2 = ffmpeg()

var command2 = ffmpeg()
  .mergeToFile('./merge.mp4', './temp');


Big problem: your nodejs script will not start if temporary files are not present.So it would be much more easier to use a bash or batch script.


09-03 11:43