本文介绍了写入权限 - 本地主机 - Mac OSX的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我是 mac 世界的新手,刚刚设置了我的网络服务器.我使用了以下指南:https://alan.ivey.dev/posts/2011/os-x-10.7-lion-development-native-mamp-with-mysql-installer/

I'm new to the mac world and have just been setting up my webserver. I used the following guide: https://alan.ivey.dev/posts/2011/os-x-10.7-lion-development-native-mamp-with-mysql-installer/

我已经转移了我的网站和数据库,一切进展顺利.我唯一的问题是写入权限.例如,有一个需要写入的配置文件,我必须右键单击,转到获取信息",然后启用读取 &为员工和每个人写作.

I've transferred my sites and databases and everything is going pretty well. The only problem I have is with the writing permissions. For example there is a config file that needs to be written to, and I had to right click, go to Get Info then enable read & write for staff and everyone.

我无法手动检查并为每个文件/文件夹启用这些写入权限.我不需要使用 WAMP 来执行此操作,并且使开发速度更快.

I can't manually go through and enable these write privileges for every file/folder. I didn't need to do this using WAMP and made development much quicker.

所以想知道 2 种可能的解决方案:a) 将我的用户帐户添加到 localhost 的白名单中,以便 644 权限就足够了b) 递归设置写权限

So wondering about 2 possible solutions:a) add my user account to a whitelist for the localhost so that 644 privileges are sufficientb) set the write privileges recursively


我发现最好的解决方案是更改 apache 用户和组设置.说明可以在以下位置找到:http://paulmason.名称/项目/change-apache-user-group-in-lion-os-x

I found the best solution was to change the apache user and group settings. The instructions can be found at: http://paulmason.name/item/change-apache-user-group-in-lion-os-x

  1. 打开终端并输入

  1. Open Terminal and Enter

sudo nano /private/etc/apache2/httpd.conf

  • Find and change http.conf code from

    User _www
    Group _www

    User your_mac_username
    Group staff

    注意:对于早期版本(例如 Leopard),将人员大写为人员.您可以通过在终端中输入id"并按 Enter 来获取您的用户名和组

    Note: With earlier versions such as Leopard, capitalize staff to Staff. You can get your username and group by typing "id" and hitting enter in terminal

    重启 Apache

    sudo apachectl restart

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    07-23 06:27