我想将数据库值绑定到vb.net 2.0中的折线图.您能否告诉我们哪个名称空间和.dll将支持此功能.如何为动态图表编写代码.如果有人知道这一点,请帮助我.
I want to bind database values to line chart in vb.net 2.0. Could you please tell which namespace and .dll will support for this. How to write code for dynamic chart. If anybody know this please help me.
AxMSChart1.Plot.Axis(MSChart20Lib.VtChAxisId.VtChAxisIdY).ValueScale.Auto = False
AxMSChart1.Plot.Axis(MSChart20Lib.VtChAxisId.VtChAxisIdX).ValueScale.Auto = False
AxMSChart1.Plot.Axis(MSChart20Lib.VtChAxisId.VtChAxisIdY).ValueScale.Maximum = CDec(txt_maxvalue.Text)
AxMSChart1.Plot.Axis(MSChart20Lib.VtChAxisId.VtChAxisIdY).ValueScale.Minimum = CDec(txt_minvalue.Text)
Dim db As New riskpro_net.dataaccess
Dim i As Integer
Dim ds As New DataSet
'To display From and To date
Dim fdate As String
Dim tdate As String
fdate = Format(CDate(dtp_from.Value), "yyyy-MM-dd")
tdate = Format(CDate(dtp_to.Value), "yyyy-MM-dd")
ds = db.retds("select * from tbl_chart where cdate between '" + fdate + "' and '" + tdate + "'", "tbl_chart")
gv.ColumnCount = ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count + 1
gv.RowCount = ds.Tables(0).Columns.Count + 1
Dim s As Integer
gv.Rows(0).Cells(0).Value = "Date"
gv.Rows(0).Cells(0).Style.ForeColor = Color.DarkBlue
gv.Rows(0).Cells(0).Style.Font = New Font(gv.Font, FontStyle.Bold)
gv.Columns(0).Width = 120
gv.Rows(1).Cells(0).Value = "Avg Realized Rate"
gv.Rows(1).Cells(0).Style.ForeColor = Color.DarkBlue
gv.Rows(1).Cells(0).Style.Font = New Font(gv.Font, FontStyle.Bold)
gv.Rows(2).Cells(0).Value = "Avg Invoiced Rate"
gv.Rows(2).Cells(0).Style.ForeColor = Color.DarkBlue
gv.Rows(2).Cells(0).Style.Font = New Font(gv.Font, FontStyle.Bold)
gv.Rows(3).Cells(0).Value = "Avg Spot Rate"
gv.Rows(3).Cells(0).Style.ForeColor = Color.DarkBlue
gv.Rows(3).Cells(0).Style.Font = New Font(gv.Font, FontStyle.Bold)
For s = 1 To gv.ColumnCount - 1
gv.Columns(s).Width = 68
For s = 1 To ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count
gv.Rows(0).Cells(s).Value = CDate(ds.Tables(0).Rows(s - 1)("cdate")).ToString("dd-MMM-yy")
gv.Rows(0).Cells(s).Style.ForeColor = Color.DarkBlue
gv.Rows(0).Cells(s).Style.Font = New Font(gv.Font, FontStyle.Bold)
gv.Rows(1).Cells(s).Value = CDec(ds.Tables(0).Rows(s - 1)("AvgRealizedRate"))
gv.Rows(2).Cells(s).Value = CDec(ds.Tables(0).Rows(s - 1)("AvgInvoicedRate"))
gv.Rows(3).Cells(s).Value = CDec(ds.Tables(0).Rows(s - 1)("AvgSpotRate"))
AxMSChart1.RowCount = ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count
AxMSChart1.ColumnCount = ds.Tables(0).Columns.Count - 1
For i = 1 To AxMSChart1.RowCount
AxMSChart1.Row = i
AxMSChart1.RowLabel = CDate(ds.Tables(0).Rows(i - 1)("cdate")).ToString("MMM-yy")
'To set Row Header Text
AxMSChart1.Column = 1
AxMSChart1.Data = ds.Tables(0).Rows(i - 1)("AvgRealizedRate")
AxMSChart1.ColumnLabel = "Avg Realized Rate"
AxMSChart1.Column = 2
AxMSChart1.Data = ds.Tables(0).Rows(i - 1)("AvgInvoicedRate")
AxMSChart1.ColumnLabel = "Avg Invoiced Rate"
AxMSChart1.Column = 3
AxMSChart1.Data = ds.Tables(0).Rows(i - 1)("AvgSpotRate")
AxMSChart1.ColumnLabel = "Avg Spot Rate"
AxMSChart1.Visible = True