


I'm using the DataListView (from ObjectListView) to bind a custom-object list, but I'm unable to make it work out. Here's my code:

Class MediaItem
    Property Title As String
    Property Artist As String
    Property Album As String
End Class

Dim library as New List(Of MediaItem)
dataLV.DataSource = library


Now when I add items to the List, I expected the DataListView to automatically populate itself:

library.Add(new MediaItem with {....})


But this doesn't happen. No items get created in the DataListView control. On the other hand if I populate the List first and then bind it to the DataListView, then it appears fine in the control but then again it doesn't show any changes made to the list.


Can anyone assist on what I'm missing here or whether my concept of using DataListView is incorrect?



您对 DataListView 的理解是正确的.只是您的数据结构让您失望.

Your understanding of DataListView is correct. It's just your data structures that are letting you down.

首先,您需要使用 ObservableCollection ,而不是简单的 List . ObservableCollection 将在添加和删除项目时触发事件,而 DataListView 将相应地添加和删除行.

First, you will need to use an ObservableCollection rather than a plain List. The ObservableCollection will fire events when items are added and removed, and the DataListView will add and remove rows accordingly.

第二,如果要更改 MediaItem 并将这些更改自动显示在控件中,则必须在 MediaItem 类.

Second, if you want to make changes to your MediaItem and have those changes automatically appear in the control, then you will have to implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface on your MediaItem class.

确实有很多地方可以解释这些想法.以下是简要说明:列表vs ObservableCollection vs INotifyPropertyChanged

There are literally dozens of places that explain these ideas. Here is a brief description: List vs ObservableCollection vs INotifyPropertyChanged


05-26 21:49