


How can you point directly to a .cshtml view from javascript file? For example why can't I use a .cshtml view with angular.js? like in this example:

 .directive('encoder', ($timeout) => {
        return {
            restrict: 'E',
            transclude: true,
            scope: 'isolate',
            locals: { service: 'bind' },
            templateUrl: 'encoderTemplate.cshtml' // <-- that's not possible?


It's of course possible to have an action method that returns whatever you want, but I'm curious if it's possible to reference directly to the razor view.



As mentioned in a comment, you can't serve up .cshtml files directly, However, you can use a controller to render the content if you so choose:

public class TemplateController : Controller
    // create a ~/Views/Template/Encoder.cshtml file
    public PartialViewResult Encoder()
        return PartialView();

然后用 @ Url.Action 引用它,就像您:

    templateUrl: '@Url.Action("Encoder", "Template")'


如果你有大部分的JavaScript code的东西,有剃刀接入(例如外部.js文件),你仍然可以利用网址构建器之外,就必须这样做有点不同。举例来说,我可能会做这样的事情:

If you have most of the JavaScript code outside of something that has Razor access (e.g. external .js file) you can still take advantage of the Url builder, just have to do so a little differently. For instance, I may do something like:

public class TemplateController : Controller
    // Add a child method to the templates controller that outputs default
    // configuration settings (and, since it's a child action, we can re-use it)
    public PartialViewResult Index()
        // You could build a dynamic IEnumerable<ConfigRef> model
        // here and pass it off, but I'm just going to stick with a static view
        return PartialView();

〜/查看/模板/ Index.cshtml

<script type="text/javascript">
  if (typeof window.App === 'undefined'){
    window.App = {};
  App.Templates = {
    Encoder: '@Url.Action("Encoder", "Template")',
    Template1: '@Url.Action("Template1", "Template")',
    Template2: '@Url.Action("Template2", "Template")'
   the template files would then reference `App.Templates.Encoder`
   when they need access to that template.

Index.cshtml (或者其他任何视图)

@* ... *@
@{ Html.RenderAction("Index", "Template"); }
@* ... *@


11-01 04:00